这是一篇有关F2的综述,是根据5篇发表使用实验的文章归纳的。这综述旨在帮助来邦网的访客找到最适合F2 蛋白。
F2 同义词: RPRGL2; THPH1; prepro-coagulation factor II; prothrombin B-chain; serine protease

  • 为了用新的筛选方法研究治疗肝脏阶段疟原虫的新一代药物,采用Thermo Fisher Scientific的biotinylated thrombin进行蛋白纯化实验。ncbi
  • 为了研究内皮Gq/G11介导的信号通路对调节过敏反应的功能,使用了Sigma-Aldrich公司的凝血酶来诱导过敏反应。ncbi
  • 为了用去除内毒素的Shiga毒素培育HUS型小鼠,并研究Shiga毒素抗体对防止致命结果的作用,采用了Sigma的人凝血酶制备纤维蛋白标准品ncbi
Roche Applied Science
  • 为了研究CD63的缺少对肾功能及溶酶体功能的影响,使用了罗氏公司的凝血酶来激活样本。ncbi
Enzyme Research Laboratories
  • 为了研究堵塞的血管可通过剪切力激活的纳米疗法治疗,采用了Enzyme Research Laboratories的human alpha-thrombin进行纤维蛋白凝块形成实验。ncbi
  1. Netanel Korin et al. (2012). "Shear-activated nanotherapeutics for drug targeting to obstructed blood vessels".PMID 22767894
  2. Stephan Meister et al. (2011). "Imaging of Plasmodium liver stages to drive next-generation antimalarial drug discovery".PMID 22096101
  3. Hanna Korhonen et al. (2009). "Anaphylactic shock depends on endothelial Gq/G11".PMID 19171764
  4. Jenny Schröder et al. (2009). "Deficiency of the tetraspanin CD63 associated with kidney pathology but normal lysosomal function".PMID 19075008
  5. Kristin A D Sauter et al. (2008). "Mouse model of hemolytic-uremic syndrome caused by endotoxin-free Shiga toxin 2 (Stx2) and protection from lethal outcome by anti-Stx2 antibody".PMID 18694970