这是一篇有关GM-CSF (GM-CSF) 的综述,是根据12篇发表使用实验的文章归纳的。这综述旨在帮助来邦网的访客找到最适合GM-CSF 蛋白。
GM-CSF 同义词: GMCSF; CSF; granulocyte macrophage-colony stimulating factor; molgramostin; sargramostim

  • 为了研究人中缺失ISG15损害IFN-gamma免疫并导致分支杆菌易感,采用了R&D的GM-CSF以0.5 ng/ml浓度进行细胞刺激实验。ncbi
  • 为了研究ABC转运蛋白和HDL在调节造血干细胞增殖和动脉粥样硬化中的功能,使用了R&D Systems公司的重组GM-CSF蛋白来进行克隆形成实验。ncbi
  • 使用R & D 系统重组粒细胞巨噬细胞集落刺激因子(GM-CSF)处理细胞来研究CD8+ T细胞对rAAV/GFP/IE1产生巨细胞病毒感染树突壮细胞的反应性,在对抗病毒抗原中的作用。ncbi
  • 为了验证假说:在患有皮肤炎症的小鼠模型上,把老鼠置于发烧样温度环境中,会使中性粒细胞募集和NF-κB活化丧失,采用了R&D 系统公司的GM-GSF进行动物实验。ncbi
  • 为了分析成人功能性血管的细胞起源,采用了Invitrogen的GM-CSF,进行细胞培养实验。ncbi
  • 为了研究p300调控的AML1-ETO融合蛋白乙酰化对白血病发生至关重要,采用ebioscience的GM-CSF以20 ng/ml浓度进行细胞刺激实验。ncbi
  • 为了研究脆弱拟杆菌(Bacteroides fragilis)在宿主-微生物共生的建立中的作用,采用Miltenyi的GM-CSF试剂培养细胞。ncbi
  • 为了研究抗肿瘤反应中Dectin-1的作用,采用了BD Pharmingen公司的GM-CSF因子,进行细胞培养实验。ncbi
  • 为了研究p300调控的AML1-ETO融合蛋白乙酰化对白血病发生至关重要,采用Peprotech的GM-CSF以20 ng/ml浓度进行细胞刺激实验。ncbi
  • 为了研究人造血系统细胞给以不同刺激的反应能通过单细胞多因子分选进行分析,采用PeproTech的GM-CSF以20 ng/mL浓度进行细胞刺激实验。ncbi
  • 为了揭示CTLA-4为何能够抑制CD28的激活,采用PeproTech的GM-CSF用于细胞培养。ncbi
  • 为了研究A20抑制NF-kappaB信号途径的机制,使用了Peprotech公司的GM-CSF来进行细胞培养。ncbi
  • 为了研究IL-33促进过敏炎症的机制,使用了Novartis公司的重组人GM-CSF来刺激人血液的嗜碱性粒细胞。ncbi
  1. Shiho Chiba et al. (2014). "Recognition of tumor cells by Dectin-1 orchestrates innate immune cells for anti-tumor responses".PMID 25149452
  2. Shentong Fang et al. (2012). "Generation of functional blood vessels from a single c-kit+ adult vascular endothelial stem cell".PMID 23091420
  3. Dusan Bogunovic et al. (2012). "Mycobacterial disease and impaired IFN-γ immunity in humans with inherited ISG15 deficiency".PMID 22859821
  4. Lan Wang et al. (2011). "The leukemogenicity of AML1-ETO is dependent on site-specific lysine acetylation".PMID 21764752
  5. Sean C Bendall et al. (2011). "Single-cell mass cytometry of differential immune and drug responses across a human hematopoietic continuum".PMID 21551058
  6. June L Round et al. (2011). "The Toll-like receptor 2 pathway establishes colonization by a commensal of the human microbiota".PMID 21512004
  7. Omar S Qureshi et al. (2011). "Trans-endocytosis of CD80 and CD86: a molecular basis for the cell-extrinsic function of CTLA-4".PMID 21474713
  8. Laurent Yvan-Charvet et al. (2010). "ATP-binding cassette transporters and HDL suppress hematopoietic stem cell proliferation".PMID 20488992
  9. Noula Shembade et al. (2010). "Inhibition of NF-kappaB signaling by A20 through disruption of ubiquitin enzyme complexes".PMID 20185725
  10. Tatjana Pecaric-Petkovic et al. (2009). "Human basophils and eosinophils are the direct target leukocytes of the novel IL-1 family member IL-33".PMID 18955562
  11. Yuefei Yu et al. (2008). "Protective CD8+ T-cell responses to cytomegalovirus driven by rAAV/GFP/IE1 loading of dendritic cells".PMID 18834548
  12. Mira Choi et al. (2008). "Short-term heat exposure inhibits inflammation by abrogating recruitment of and nuclear factor-{kappa}B activation in neutrophils exposed to chemotactic cytokines".PMID 18187571