这是一篇有关血小板生成素 (thrombopoietin) 的综述,是根据2篇发表使用实验的文章归纳的。这综述旨在帮助来邦网的访客找到最适合血小板生成素 蛋白。
血小板生成素 同义词: MGDF; MKCSF; MPLLG; THCYT1; TPO; MPL ligand; c-mpl ligand; megakaryocyte colony-stimulating factor; megakaryocyte growth and development factor; megakaryocyte stimulating factor; myeloproliferative leukemia virus oncogene ligand; prepro-thrombopoietin

  • 为了研究芳香烃受体拮抗剂StemRegenin 1促进人造血干细胞增殖的作用和机制,使用了R&D Systems公司的重组人thrombopoietin作为添加剂培养人造血干细胞。ncbi
  • 使用Amgen促血小板生成素来促进细胞增殖,来研究α4、α5整合素和CXCR4等细胞因子在脐带血CD34+细胞治疗中的作用。ncbi
  1. Anthony E Boitano et al. (2010). "Aryl hydrocarbon receptor antagonists promote the expansion of human hematopoietic stem cells".PMID 20688981
  2. Jacques Foguenne et al. (2009). "Ex vivo expansion of hematopoietic progenitor cells is associated with downregulation of alpha4 integrin- and CXCR4-mediated engraftment in NOD/SCID beta2-microglobulin-null mice".PMID 19144663