为了研究记忆巩固的分子机制,Harlan Laboratories的CD-1小鼠被用于进行动物实验。至该文献
为了研究减毒活疫苗能够激活恶性疟原虫孢子特特异的CD8+免疫细胞而激活免疫反应,采用Harlan Laboratories的ICR (CD-1)小鼠进行疟原虫保种检测实验。至该文献
Charles River Laboratories
为了研究特定的骨髓细胞源自卵黄囊,采用了Charles River的CD1 mice进行生化实验。至该文献
为了研究神经突触投射能够被软骨酸性蛋白1B通过抑制NgR1来调控,采用Charles River Co.的ICR小鼠进行突触分析实验。至该文献
为了研究肺管形态能被RAS相关的ERK1/2信号调控的有丝分裂纺锤体角度决定,采用Charles River Laboratories的CD1小鼠进行在体实验。至该文献
为了研究小鼠血糖能够通过人工合成的光遗传学转录元件进行调控,采用Charles River Laboratory的CD-1 mice进行腹腔移植实验。至该文献
为了研究TDRD7在脊椎动物器官发生中的作用,采用Charles River Laboratories的野生型CD-1远系杂交小鼠进行免疫组化试验。至该文献
为了研究神经突触投射能够被软骨酸性蛋白1B通过抑制NgR1来调控,采用SLC Co.的ICR小鼠进行突触分析实验。至该文献
Jackson Laboratories
为了研究小肠微生物对小鼠乳腺瘤病毒感染成功非常重要,采用了The Jackson Laboratory的B6.CD14 KO mice进行MMTV病毒感染实验。至该文献
为了研究LRRK2的分子降解机制,使用了Jackson Laboratory的CD-1小鼠以分离小鼠原代皮层神经元。至该文献
  1. Carmela Sidrauski et al. (2013). "Pharmacological brake-release of mRNA translation enhances cognitive memory".PMID 23741617
  2. Timothy W Hand et al. (2012). "Acute gastrointestinal infection induces long-lived microbiota-specific T cell responses".PMID 22923434
  3. Christian Schulz et al. (2012). "A lineage of myeloid cells independent of Myb and hematopoietic stem cells".PMID 22442384
  4. Melissa Kane et al. (2011). "Successful transmission of a retrovirus depends on the commensal microbiota".PMID 21998394
  5. J E Epstein et al. (2011). "Live attenuated malaria vaccine designed to protect through hepatic CD8⁺ T cell immunity".PMID 21903775
  6. Yasufumi Sato et al. (2011). "Cartilage acidic protein-1B (LOTUS), an endogenous Nogo receptor antagonist for axon tract formation".PMID 21817055
  7. Nan Tang et al. (2011). "Control of mitotic spindle angle by the RAS-regulated ERK1/2 pathway determines lung tube shape".PMID 21764747
  8. Haifeng Ye et al. (2011). "A synthetic optogenetic transcription device enhances blood-glucose homeostasis in mice".PMID 21700876
  9. Salil A Lachke et al. (2011). "Mutations in the RNA granule component TDRD7 cause cataract and glaucoma".PMID 21436445
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