同义词: Dulbecco's modified Eagle's medium, DMEM/F12, DMEM high glucose, DMEM, DMEM/F-12, DMEM and Ham's F12 medium, DMEM-F12 medium, FBS-DMEM, low-glucose DMEM, DMEM-F12 supplemented by 10% fetal bovine serum and 1% Penicillin/Streptomycin, Advanced DMEM, DMEM/F-12 medium, DMEM medium, methionine-free DMEM, KO-DMEM, Eagle's medium (DMEM)-F-12, DMEM/F12 media supplemented with 10% neonatal calf serum, DMEM/Ham’s F-12, DMEM containing 2% Horse Serum, DMEM/F12 medium, DMEM medium supplemented with 10% FBS, 1% Pen/Strep, L-Glutamine, and non-essential amino acids, DMEM/F-12 phenol red free media, methi ...

赛默飞世尔显示:30; 总数:111
为了研究大麻素诱导的肌动球蛋白收缩对神经元形态和生长的调控,采用了Life Technologies公司的DMEM培养基,进行细胞培养实验。至该文献
为了研究转录因子ZEB1在脂肪细胞基因调控网络中的作用,采用了Life Technologies公司的DMEM培养基,进行细胞培养实验。至该文献
为了研究SCML2对细胞周期运转的抑制作用,采用Invitrogen 公司的DMEM/F12 培养基培养H9胚胎干细胞。至该文献
为了研究禽网状内皮组织增生症病毒的起源和进化,Life technologies的DMEM培养基被用于进行细胞培养。至该文献
为了研究CDON在调节肿瘤细胞存活中的作用,Invitrogen Gibco的DMEM培养基被用于进行细胞培养。至该文献
为了研究USF1对哺乳动物分子和行为生物钟的调节作用,采用了Gibco公司的DMEM media (90-013-PB)培育组织。至该文献
为了癌细胞生长受PFK1糖基化调控,采用了Invitrogen的(DMEM)/F12 (1:1) medium进行细胞培养实验。至该文献
为了研究植物中的自然变异能通过染色体沉默的调控来诱导,采用了Gibco的culture medium DMEM进行细胞培养实验。至该文献
为了研究乙酰化在自噬调控中的重要性,Life Technologies的DMEM被用于细胞培养。至该文献
为了研究特定的骨髓细胞源自卵黄囊,采用了Invitrogen的advanced DMEM进行异位移植实验。至该文献
为了研究PI4P对细胞膜特性很重要且功能独立于PI(4,5)P2,采用了Sigma chemical company的DMEM进行细胞培养实验。至该文献
为了研究心肌细胞中的机械力-化学传导过程依赖于X-ROS信号通路,采用Sigma-Aldrich的Dulbeccos Modified Eagle Medium进行心肌细胞贴壁和拉伸实验。至该文献
西格玛奥德里奇Dulbecco's modified Eagle's medium用于细胞培养来研究dysbindin-1在中枢神经系统中的生理作用至该文献
为了说明HSP90伴侣蛋白Cdc37能维持致癌蛋白激酶客户蛋白,使用了Sigma Aldrich公司的DMEM细胞培养基来培养细胞。至该文献
为了研究骨骼肌分化后XIAP对细胞凋亡所起的限制作用,使用了Cambrex Biosciences公司的DMEM培养基来进行细胞培养。至该文献
为了研究植物中的自然变异能通过染色体沉默的调控来诱导,采用了Mediatech的EML DMEM进行细胞培养实验。至该文献
为了分析EB病毒糖蛋白B的功能结构域,采用了BioWhittaker公司的Dulbecco's modified Eagle's medium 培养液产品,进行细胞培养实验。至该文献
Caisson Laboratories
为了研究Norbin在促代谢型谷氨酸受体5信号途径中所起的调控作用,使用了Caisson labs公司的DMEM培养基来进行细胞培养。至该文献
Stemcell Technologies
为了研究小鼠乳腺上皮细胞在发育过程中的干细胞属性调控机制,STEMCELL Technologies的DMEM/F12被用于进行细胞培养。至该文献
Wako Chemicals USA
为了研究背主动脉对交感-肾上腺信号特化至关重要,采用了Wako的DMEM F-12 medium进行细胞培养实验。至该文献
GE Healthcare Life Biosciences
为了研究E3连接酶对于维持离子稳态所起的作用,使用了HyClone公司的Dulbecco’s Modified 高葡萄糖含量Eagle培养基来进行细胞培养。至该文献
PAA Laboratories
使用PAA Laboratories DMEM 高浓度葡萄糖/丙酮酸钠液来培养获得的胚胎,来探讨GLUT3在胚胎形成早期发挥重要作用。至该文献
PAN Biotech
为了说明在骨消化破骨细胞过程中,Src依赖抑制ARF6对维持足体丰富的密封区域是必须的,采用了PAN Biotech的缺乏精氨酸的DMEM培养基培养细胞。至该文献
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  94. Isabel Martín Caballero et al. (2009). "The methyl-CpG binding proteins Mecp2, Mbd2 and Kaiso are dispensable for mouse embryogenesis, but play a redundant function in neural differentiation".PMID 19177165
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  99. Shoichi Takikita et al. (2009). "Murine muscle cell models for Pompe disease and their use in studying therapeutic approaches".PMID 19167256
  100. Tobias Heckel et al. (2009). "Src-dependent repression of ARF6 is required to maintain podosome-rich sealing zones in bone-digesting osteoclasts".PMID 19164586
  101. Makoto Honda et al. (2009). "IGFBP3 colocalizes with and regulates hypocretin (orexin)".PMID 19158946
  102. Vinca Icard et al. (2009). "Secretion of hepatitis C virus envelope glycoproteins depends on assembly of apolipoprotein B positive lipoproteins".PMID 19156195
  103. William Wang et al. (2009). "Matrix metalloproteinase-1 promotes muscle cell migration and differentiation".PMID 19147819
  104. Chen Zhang et al. (2009). "The low-density lipoprotein receptor-related protein 1 mediates tissue-type plasminogen activator-induced microglial activation in the ischemic brain".PMID 19147818
  105. Claire M Mahoney et al. (2009). "Therapeutic ultrasound bypasses canonical syndecan-4 signaling to activate rac1".PMID 19147498
  106. Lingyun Zhu et al. (2009). "PGC-1alpha is a key regulator of glucose-induced proliferation and migration in vascular smooth muscle cells".PMID 19142226
  107. Satoko Oyama et al. (2009). "Dysbindin-1, a schizophrenia-related protein, functionally interacts with the DNA- dependent protein kinase complex in an isoform-dependent manner".PMID 19142223
  108. David Brough et al. (2009). "Pannexin-1-dependent caspase-1 activation and secretion of IL-1beta is regulated by zinc".PMID 19130485
  109. Patricia Hernanz-Falcón et al. (2009). "Internalization of Dectin-1 terminates induction of inflammatory responses".PMID 19130473
  110. Ozgur Sahin et al. (2009). "Modeling ERBB receptor-regulated G1/S transition to find novel targets for de novo trastuzumab resistance".PMID 19118495
  111. Katarzyna Urbanska et al. (2009). "Estrogen receptor beta-mediated nuclear interaction between IRS-1 and Rad51 inhibits homologous recombination directed DNA repair in medulloblastoma".PMID 19117011
  112. Ivan Topisirovic et al. (2009). "Stability of eukaryotic translation initiation factor 4E mRNA is regulated by HuR, and this activity is dysregulated in cancer".PMID 19114552
  113. Brian J Altman et al. (2009). "Autophagy provides nutrients but can lead to Chop-dependent induction of Bim to sensitize growth factor-deprived cells to apoptosis".PMID 19109422
  114. Ian Holt et al. (2009). "Muscleblind-like proteins: similarities and differences in normal and myotonic dystrophy muscle".PMID 19095965
  115. Minako Tateno et al. (2009). "Mutant SOD1 impairs axonal transport of choline acetyltransferase and acetylcholine release by sequestering KAP3".PMID 19088126
  116. Virna D Leaner et al. (2009). "Inhibition of AP-1 transcriptional activity blocks the migration, invasion, and experimental metastasis of murine osteosarcoma".PMID 19074613
  117. Shu Mang Feng et al. (2009). "The E3 ubiquitin ligase WWP1 selectively targets HER4 and its proteolytically derived signaling isoforms for degradation".PMID 19047365
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  120. Melissa J MacPherson et al. (2009). "The CTCF insulator protein is posttranslationally modified by SUMO".PMID 19029252
  121. Aitor G Granja et al. (2009). "African swine fever virus blocks the host cell antiviral inflammatory response through a direct inhibition of PKC-theta-mediated p300 transactivation".PMID 19004945
  122. Che Man Chan et al. (2009). "Identification of major histocompatibility complex class I C molecule as an attachment factor that facilitates coronavirus HKU1 spike-mediated infection".PMID 18987136
  123. Jessica J Reimer et al. (2009). "Analysis of Epstein-Barr virus glycoprotein B functional domains via linker insertion mutagenesis".PMID 18987135
  124. Madoka Kouzu-Fujita et al. (2009). "Coactivation of estrogen receptor beta by gonadotropin-induced cofactor GIOT-4".PMID 18981223
  125. S M Goicoechea et al. (2009). "Palladin contributes to invasive motility in human breast cancer cells".PMID 18978809
  126. Aruna P Ambagala et al. (2009). "Varicella-zoster virus immediate-early 63 protein interacts with human antisilencing function 1 protein and alters its ability to bind histones h3.1 and h3.3".PMID 18971269
  127. Yuan Hau Tsai et al. (2009). "The M type K15 protein of Kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpesvirus regulates microRNA expression via its SH2-binding motif to induce cell migration and invasion".PMID 18971265
  128. Daizo Koinuma et al. (2009). "Chromatin immunoprecipitation on microarray analysis of Smad2/3 binding sites reveals roles of ETS1 and TFAP2A in transforming growth factor beta signaling".PMID 18955504
  129. Youbao Sha et al. (2009). "A critical role for CHIP in the aggresome pathway".PMID 18955503
  130. Anita S Galvez et al. (2009). "Protein kinase Czeta represses the interleukin-6 promoter and impairs tumorigenesis in vivo".PMID 18955501
  131. S Schmidt et al. (2009). "Essential role of glucose transporter GLUT3 for post-implantation embryonic development".PMID 18948350
  132. Klas Strååt et al. (2009). "Infection with human cytomegalovirus alters the MMP-9/TIMP-1 balance in human macrophages".PMID 18945772
  133. Nadia M Luheshi et al. (2009). "The dynamics and mechanisms of interleukin-1alpha and beta nuclear import".PMID 18939951
  134. Catherine Chabot et al. (2009). "New role for the protein tyrosine phosphatase DEP-1 in Akt activation and endothelial cell survival".PMID 18936167
  135. Aïcha Daher et al. (2009). "TRBP control of PACT-induced phosphorylation of protein kinase R is reversed by stress".PMID 18936160
  136. J R Smith et al. (2009). "Silencing the cochaperone CDC37 destabilizes kinase clients and sensitizes cancer cells to HSP90 inhibitors".PMID 18931700
  137. Adel Maklad et al. (2009). "The EGFR is required for proper innervation to the skin".PMID 18830272
  138. Tao Peng et al. (2009). "Blocking of proteolytic processing and deletion of glycosaminoglycan side chain of mouse DMP1 by substituting critical amino acid residues".PMID 18698130
  139. Izabela Maciejewska et al. (2009). "Distinct compartmentalization of dentin matrix protein 1 fragments in mineralized tissues and cells".PMID 18698129