同义词: MgCl2

为了研究发光杆菌科通过单启动子倒置实现致病与共生两种状态的转换,采用了Sigma-Aldrich的MgCl2以1 mM浓度进行线虫繁育实验至该文献
为了研究PI4P对细胞膜特性很重要且功能独立于PI(4,5)P2,采用了Sigma chemical company的MgCl2进行膜片钳记录实验。至该文献
为了研究许多细菌和古细菌中存在氟核糖开关以抵御氟毒性,采用Sigma-Aldrich的MgCl2以24 mM浓度进行体外转录实验。至该文献
为了研究ATP浓度可以由磷酸肌醇通过增强糖酵解调控,采用SigmaAldrich的MgCl2以20 mM浓度进行ADP/AMP测定实验。至该文献
为研究一种新的KCNQ1-KCNE1 K+通道复合物的激活剂,用Sigma Aldrich提供的MgCl2来制备用于除去卵母细胞滤泡膜的OR2溶液。至该文献
为了研究HIV的中和抗体经过演化而识别病毒的保守结构,采用Qiagen的25 mM MgCl2进行PCR实验。至该文献
  1. Vishal S Somvanshi et al. (2012). "A single promoter inversion switches Photorhabdus between pathogenic and mutualistic states".PMID 22767929
  2. Gerald R V Hammond et al. (2012). "PI4P and PI(4,5)P2 are essential but independent lipid determinants of membrane identity".PMID 22722250
  3. You Qiang Su et al. (2012). "MARF1 regulates essential oogenic processes in mice".PMID 22442484
  4. Jeremy S Paige et al. (2012). "Fluorescence imaging of cellular metabolites with RNA".PMID 22403384
  5. Jenny L Baker et al. (2012). "Widespread genetic switches and toxicity resistance proteins for fluoride".PMID 22194412
  6. Zsolt Szijgyarto et al. (2011). "Influence of inositol pyrophosphates on cellular energy dynamics".PMID 22076377
  7. Xueling Wu et al. (2011). "Focused evolution of HIV-1 neutralizing antibodies revealed by structures and deep sequencing".PMID 21835983
  8. Rong Gong et al. (2011). "Role for the membrane receptor guanylyl cyclase-C in attention deficiency and hyperactive behavior".PMID 21835979
  9. Edneia A S Ramos et al. (2010). "Simultaneous CXCL12 and ESR1 CpG island hypermethylation correlates with poor prognosis in sporadic breast cancer".PMID 20109227
  10. Julia Leemput et al. (2009). "ATM localization and gene expression in the adult mouse eye".PMID 19234633
  11. Karen Mruk et al. (2009). "Discovery of a novel activator of KCNQ1-KCNE1 K channel complexes".PMID 19156197