同义词: NaCl

为了研究dynamin 1蛋白对突触囊泡内吞的调节作用,Sigma-Aldrich的氯化钠被用于进行细胞培养。至该文献
为了研究PI4P对细胞膜特性很重要且功能独立于PI(4,5)P2,采用了Sigma chemical company的NaCl进行膜片钳记录实验。至该文献
为了研究胰岛素抵抗能够被雷帕霉素通过mTORC2 受损诱导,采用了Sigma的Nacl进行组织裂解实验。至该文献
为研究一种新的KCNQ1-KCNE1 K+通道复合物的激活剂,用Sigma Aldrich提供的NaCl来制备用于除去卵母细胞滤泡膜的OR2溶液。至该文献
为了研究GFAJ-1生长需要磷酸盐而非砷酸盐,采用了VWR的sodium chloride进行GFAJ-1培养实验至该文献
Rigaku Raman Technologies
为了研究alphaB 晶状体蛋白的结构特点,采用了Emerald BioSystems的sodium chloride进行肽段结晶实验。至该文献
  1. Moritz Armbruster et al. (2013). "Dynamin phosphorylation controls optimization of endocytosis for brief action potential bursts".PMID 23908769
  2. Tobias J Erb et al. (2012). "GFAJ-1 is an arsenate-resistant, phosphate-dependent organism".PMID 22773139
  3. Gerald R V Hammond et al. (2012). "PI4P and PI(4,5)P2 are essential but independent lipid determinants of membrane identity".PMID 22722250
  4. Dudley W Lamming et al. (2012). "Rapamycin-induced insulin resistance is mediated by mTORC2 loss and uncoupled from longevity".PMID 22461615
  5. Arthur Laganowsky et al. (2012). "Atomic view of a toxic amyloid small oligomer".PMID 22403391
  6. Chenli Liu et al. (2011). "Sequential establishment of stripe patterns in an expanding cell population".PMID 21998392
  7. Rong Gong et al. (2011). "Role for the membrane receptor guanylyl cyclase-C in attention deficiency and hyperactive behavior".PMID 21835979
  8. Fei Wang et al. (2010). "Generating a prion with bacterially expressed recombinant prion protein".PMID 20110469
  9. Karen Mruk et al. (2009). "Discovery of a novel activator of KCNQ1-KCNE1 K channel complexes".PMID 19156197