这是一篇有关SYBR Green I荧光标记染料的综述,是根据219篇发表使用实验的文章归纳的。这综述旨在帮助来邦网的访客找到最适合SYBR Green I荧光标记染料。
同义词: iQ SYBR Green Supermix, QuantiTect SYBR green PCR kit, SYBR Green, Brilliant SYBR Green QPCR Master Mix, SYBR Green PCR master mix, Platinum Sybr Green Supermix, iTaq™ SYBR Green Supermix, SYBR Green PCRMaster Mix, iQ Sybr Green Supermix kit, SYBR Safe DNA stain, SYBR ExScript RT-PCR Kit, iQSYBR Green Supermix, SYBR-Green PCR Master Mix, SYBR Green Realtime PCR Master Mix, Quantitect™ SYBR Green PCR kit, LC FastStart DNA Master Plus SYBR green, PCR Master Mix (SYBR Green), SYBR Master mix, SYBR Premix Ex Taq, SensiMix Sybr green kit, Sybr green Mastermix, SYBR Supermix kit, Power SYBR Gree ...

赛默飞世尔显示:30; 总数:115
SYBR Green PCR Master mix被用在qRT-PCR中,来研究Huntingtin蛋白在小鼠乳腺上皮细胞的形态发生中对细胞极性形成的作用。至该文献
为了研究植物中砷酸盐还原酶在砷累积过程中的作用,采用了Life Technologies公司的SYBR Green PCR Master Mix,进行qPCR实验。至该文献
为了研究热激反应中eEF1A1在转录过程中的作用,采用了Applied Biosystems公司的Power SYBR Green PCR master mix,进行qPCR实验。至该文献
为了研究肥胖中ALK7信号通路在儿茶酚胺抵抗过程的作用,采用了Applied Biosystems公司的SYBR Green master mix,进行qPCR实验。至该文献
为了研究coronin 1 对认知及行为调节的分子机制,采用Applied Biosystems 公司的 RT-PCR Power SYBR Green cocktail 进行PCR实验。至该文献
为了研究时钟细胞中蛋白翻译的节律性,采用了Applied Biosystems 公司的 SYBR Green Realtime PCR Master Mix 试剂盒进行实时定量PCR 实验。至该文献
为了研究白色念珠菌对两性霉素B抗性的进化,采用了Applied Biosystems公司的SYBR green mastermix,进行qPCR实验。至该文献
为了研究MYRF的自剪切机制,Invitrogen的PowerSYBR Green PCR预混液被用于进行DNA扩增实验。至该文献
为了在裂殖酵母中研究Erf2对蛋白棕榈酰化及进入减数分裂的调控作用,Applied Biosystems针对SYBR Green的定量PCR预混试剂被用于进行实时定量PCR。至该文献
为了研究Rad51p对于芽殖酵母中RNA-DNA杂合链形成的重要作用,Invitrogen的SYBR Green被用于进行DNA定量实验。至该文献
为了研究FBW7在Notch信号通路中的作用,Invitrogen的Platinum定量PCR SuperMix-UDG w/ROX被用于进行染色质免疫共沉淀实验。至该文献
为了研究记忆巩固的分子机制,Ambion的PowerSYBR Green Cells-to-CT试剂盒被用于逆转录和DNA扩增实验。至该文献
为了研究miR-7引起的Hedgehog信号抑制在Notch诱导的肿瘤生成中的作用,采用了Applied Biosystems 公司的SYBR Green PCR Master kit进行RT-PCR实验。至该文献
为了研究PICK1缺乏引起的分泌小泡生成损伤、生长阻滞及乳糖耐受降低,采用了Invitrogen公司的Platinum SYBR Green qPCR Supermix with ROX进行RT-PCR实验。至该文献
为了研究小鼠大脑中胆固醇传感器SCAP降低引起的突触传导和认知能力损伤,采用了Applied Biosystems公司的SYBR Green PCR Master Mix进行PCR。至该文献
为了研究非基于突变治疗雄激素抵抗性前列腺癌的合理药物设计,采用了Applied Biosystems的Power SYBR Green PCR Mastermix进行PCR。至该文献
为了研究SEC24A缺失降低血浆胆固醇的机制,采用了ABI公司的iQ SYBR Green Supermix,进行qPCR实验。至该文献
为了研究脂肪细胞分化过程TAF7L的功能,采用了Applied Biosystems公司的SYBR Green PCR Master Mix,进行qPCR实验。至该文献
为了研究Zfp521在决定成脂细胞和成骨细胞之间的转换的调节性作用,使用了Applied Biosystems的SYBR Green QPCR Master Mix试剂盒来进行实时定量荧光PCR。至该文献
为了研究结肠炎能够改变肠道微生物群落以诱发肿瘤,采用了Applied Biosystems的SYBR green进行qPCR实验。至该文献
为了研究某些GBM病人有FGFR-TACC融合突变,采用了Thermo Scientific的Absolute Blue QPCR SYBR Green Mix进行qPCR实验。至该文献
为了研究雄性X连锁基因启动子会招募更多的Pol II以实现果蝇剂量补偿,采用了Applied Biosystems的SYBR Green PCR master mix进行qPCR实验至该文献
为了研究细菌23S rRNA能通过特定修饰逃避TLR13的识别,采用了Fermentas的maxima sybr green / rox进行qPCR实验至该文献
为了研究发光杆菌科通过单启动子倒置实现致病与共生两种状态的转换,采用了Applied Biosystems的SYBR green PCR mix reagent进行qPCR实验至该文献
为了研究端粒酶受Wnt/beta-catenin信号调控,采用了Thermo Scientific的ABsolute SYBR Green ROX Mix进行ChIP实验。至该文献
为了研究细胞命运受p53动态变化的调控,采用了Applied Biosystems的SYBR Green reagent进行qPCR实验。至该文献
为了研究蜜蜂病毒多样性能够被寄生虫瓦螨改变,采用了ABI的SYBR green PCR Mastermix进行qPCR实验。至该文献
为了研究DNA代谢和基因组完整性由MMS19维持,采用了Fermentas的Maxima SYBR Green/ROX qPCR Master Mix进行qPCR实验。至该文献
为了研究共生菌被先天淋巴细胞限定在特定的位置,采用了Applied Biosystems的SYBR green chemistry进行qPCR实验。至该文献
为了研究结肠炎能够被共生真菌与Dectin-1的相互作用调节,采用了Applied Biosystems的SYBR Green PCR kit进行qPCR实验。至该文献
为了研究拟南芥中霜霉病效应子减轻水杨酸引发的免疫反应的机制,采用了Sigma公司SYBR Green mix,进行qPCR实验。至该文献
为了研究拟南芥中异硫氰酸烯丙酯介导的非寄主抗性能被假单胞菌sax基因产物阻断,采用Sigma的SYBR Green JumpStart Taq ReadyMix进行QPCR实验。至该文献
为了研究拟兰芥主要抑制基因FLC的基因沉默机制,使用了西格玛公司的SYBR green Jumpstart反应试剂来进行qPCR。至该文献
Meridian Life Science
为了研究乙烯能诱导内质网附着的EIN2的切割和重定位,采用了BIOLINE的SYBR master mix进行qPCR实验至该文献
为了研究蜜蜂病毒多样性能够被寄生虫瓦螨改变,采用了Bioline的one-step SensiMix with SYBR green kit进行qPCR实验。至该文献
为了研究产后肝细胞分化过程中TAF4对核受体HNF4A的调控,采用了Qiagen公司的SYBR Green master mix,进行逆转录实验。至该文献
为了研究Vav2和Vav3蛋白在皮肤癌中的作用,Qiagen的QuantiTect SYBR Green RT-PCR试剂盒被用于进行DNA扩增。至该文献
为了研究拟南芥中淀粉降解的调控机制,Qiagen的SYBR green PCR试剂盒被用于进行DNA扩增实验。至该文献
为了研究两侧对称动物头部发育的分子机制,采用QIAGEN公司的SYBR Green I试剂盒进行DNA 定量试验。至该文献
为了分析在人类特异的脑前额神经中转录起始位点的组蛋白甲基化修饰,采用了Qiagen的Quantifast SYBR Green RT-PCR试剂盒,进行定量RT-PCR实验。至该文献
为了研究雄性X连锁基因启动子会招募更多的Pol II以实现果蝇剂量补偿,采用了Qiagen的miScript SYBR Green PCR Kit进行qPCR实验至该文献
为了研究线虫中piRNAs的特性,采用了Qiagen的Quantitect SYBR green PCR mix进行qPCR实验。至该文献
为了Nodal和Lefty有不同的扩散率以实现各自的功能,采用了Qiagen的QuantiTect SYBR Green PCR Kit进行qRT-PCR实验。至该文献
为了研究在谷氨酸能神经元中敲除CRHR1的效果与在多巴胺能神经元中敲除的效果完全相反,采用QIAGEN的QuantiFast SYBR Green PCR Kit进行QPCR实验。至该文献
为了研究神经肽PTTH在昆虫起始变形过程所起的作用,使用了SABiosciences公司的RT2 实时SYBR Green PCR Master Mix来进行实时PCR。至该文献
为了研究在哺乳动物骨骼肌中的两个新旧肌球蛋白MYH14/7b和MYH15在眼外肌和肌梭中的表达,采用Qiagen Qiagen QuantiTect SYBR 荧光染料PCR试剂盒,进行实时定量PCR实验。至该文献
为了研究hoxd4 基因表达在人乳腺癌细胞中的转录抑制,用Qiagen公司的QuantiTeck实时荧光聚合酶链反应盒进行定量反转录聚合酶链式反应分析。至该文献
为确定HFE基因变异体和铁调控对与神经变性疾病相关因子的细胞分泌的影响并探究这些关联间潜在的机制,将SuperArray提供的RT2 Real-Time SYBR Green assay试剂用于定量逆转录PCR。至该文献
为了证实在果蝇实验模型中的CBP对雄性激素受体的反式激活有共抑制作用,使用了Qiagen公司的SYBR green PCR master mix来对反转录得到的cDNA进行实时定量PCR。至该文献
为研究蛋白磷酸酶Cζ对白介素6启动子和肿瘤生成的影响,使用了Qiagen公司的Quantitect Sybr green PCR kit来进行实时PCR。至该文献
为了研究PG1237对hemin结合蛋白的调控作用,采用了Qiagen公司的QuantiTect Sybr green RT-PCR kit产品,进行了实时定量PCR实验。至该文献
Roche Applied Science
为了研究wingless信号通路对armadillo/beta-Catenin降解的调控,采用了Roche公司的SYBR Green,进行qPCR实验。至该文献
为了研究新月柄杆菌中DidA调控细胞分裂的机制,采用了Roche公司的SYBR Green,进行qPCR实验。至该文献
为了研究抗肿瘤反应中Dectin-1的作用,采用了Roche Bioscience公司的SYBR Green PCR Master Mix,进行qPCR实验。至该文献
为了研究果蝇中CK2激酶的功能属性,Roche的FastStart DNA MasterPLUS SYBR green I混合液被用于进行DNA扩增实验。至该文献
为了研究荚膜组织胞浆菌温度响应性毒力变化的机制,Roche的FastStart通用型SYBR Green预混液被用于进行DNA扩增实验。至该文献
为了研究Etv2在血管发育中的作用,Roche的FastStart SYBR Green预混体系被用于进行实时定量PCR。至该文献
为了研究TRPM5活化对人结肠杯状细胞中MUC5AC分泌的调节作用,Roche的Light Cycler 480 SYBR Green I预混液被用于进行DNA扩增实验。至该文献
为了研究EBI2在CD4+树突状细胞定位、体内平衡和血源性颗粒性抗原捕获中的重要作用,Roche的SYBR Green PCR预混液被用于进行DNA扩增实验。至该文献
为了研究植物中的自然变异能通过染色体沉默的调控来诱导,采用了Roche的LightCycler 480 SYBR Green mix进行qPCR实验。至该文献
为了研究MORC家族ATP酶的功能特性,Roche的SyBr Green PCR预混液被用于定量PCR。至该文献
为了研究秀丽隐杆线虫发育过程中激素信号放大的作用,采用了Roche Diagnostics公司的SYBR Green I Master,进行qPCR实验。至该文献
为了研究NKT细胞能被早期接触到的微生物调控,采用了Roche的SYBR Green I Master Mix进行qPCR实验。至该文献
为了研究蜜蜂猎奇行为的分子机制,采用了Roche Diagnostics的SYBR green进行qPCR实验。至该文献
为了研究纤毛的形成受到进化过程中重组的顺式调控模块的调节,采用了Roche的SYBR green Master进行qPCR实验。至该文献
为了研究昆虫的内共生体可以被抗菌肽段ColA保护,采用Roche Diagnostics的LightCycler Fast Start DNA Master SYBR green I kit进行qPCR实验。至该文献
为了研究深海中的几种细菌被发现属于化能无机自养型生物,采用Roche的LightCycler 480 SYBR Green I Master Mix进行定量PCR实验。至该文献
为了研究即刻早期反应基因表达调控因MED23突变而被破坏并导致智力障碍,采用Roche的SYBR Green I Master进行qPCR实验。至该文献
为了研究髓鞘的形成能够被轴突与少突细胞之间的信号传递调控,采用Roche的FastStart DNA Master SYBR Green 1 PCR reaction mix进行QPCR实验。至该文献
为了研究染色体凝缩能够被纺锤体中心区调控以与后期纺锤丝长度相吻合,采用Roche的1x of SYBR Green I Master进行QPCR实验。至该文献
为了证实雌激素可以激活神经细胞中依赖β环素蛋白的转录,使用了罗氏公司的Master SYBR Green I mix 来进行RT-PCR。至该文献
为了研究白介素-23和白介素-12在Dectin-1和Toll样受体共激活信号通路中的作用,使用了罗氏公司的Light-Cycler FastStart DNA Master PLUS SYBR Green试剂盒来进行实时PCR。至该文献
为了说明KSHV被膜蛋白在病毒质粒的细胞转运过程中的重要作用,采用了罗氏的LightCycler FastStart DNA MasterPlus SYBR green kit 进行实时定量PCR至该文献
为了说明在t(11;18)(q21;q21)阳性的MALT淋巴瘤中自动泛素化诱导的MALT1-API2的降解可以阻止BCL10不稳定,使用了Roche Diagnostics Belgium公司的LightCycler 480 SYBR Green I master mix来进行定量逆转录PCR。至该文献
为了研究寄生虫巨噬细胞移动抑制因子对宿主巨噬细胞所起的调控作用,使用了罗氏 公司的LightCycler-DNA SYBR Green I mix来进行PCR。至该文献
为了阐明SIRT2抑制脂肪细胞的分化的机制,实验采用了Roche公司提供的FastStart SYBR Green Master reagent进行real-time PCR至该文献
为证实脱氢酶1a1对于造血干细胞和神经干细胞发挥功能是非必需的,使用了罗氏公司的SYBR Green Kit来进行定量PCR。至该文献
为了表明白介素23在由肠炎沙门菌亚型Typhimurium引发的肠炎反应中起着重要的作用,采用了罗氏诊断公司的LightCycler-Fast Start DNA Master Sybr Green I mix试剂,用来进行实时荧光PCR。至该文献
New England Biolabs
为了研究蚊子体内的抗疟原虫免疫是由过氧化物酶/NOX5系统依赖的上皮硝化所介导,采用了New England Biolabs的DyNAmo HS SYBR Green qPCR Kit进行qPCR实验。至该文献
Bio-Rad显示:30; 总数:38
为了研究互利共生系统中wolbachia系列基因的作用,采用了Bio-Rad公司的iQ SYBR Green Supermix,进行qPCR实验。至该文献
为了研究压力反应对蛋白折叠的影响,采用了Bio-Rad公司的SYBR green,进行qPCR实验。至该文献
为了研究大肠杆菌中Zur regulon对锌利用的调控,采用了Bio-Rad公司的SYBR green,进行qPCR实验。至该文献
为了研究特异性Eph配体和受体复合物对胚胎组织分化的调控机制,采用了Biorad公司的SYBR green溶液,进行qPCR实验。至该文献
为了研究糖原降解过程中自噬的作用,采用了Bio-Rad公司的iQ SYBR Green Supermix,进行qPCR实验。至该文献
为了研究血细胞成熟过程中LSD1的作用,Bio-Rad的iQ SYBR Green Supermix被用于进行DNA扩增实验。至该文献
为了哺乳动物中研究基因转录和染色体重组装随生物钟改变,采用了BioRad的iTaq SYBR Green Supermix with ROX进行qPCR实验至该文献
为了研究BAP1突变能导致骨髓转化,采用了Bio-Rad的SYBR Green Supermix进行ChIP实验。至该文献
为了研究拟南芥中DNA去甲基化可被IDM1调控,采用了BioRad的iQ SYBR Green Supermix进行qPCR实验。至该文献
为了研究线粒体UPR活化受ATFS-1输入效率调控,采用了Bio-Rad Laboratories的iQTM sybr green supermix进行qRT-PCR实验。至该文献
为了研究大肠杆菌中OxyR对内源性蛋白S-亚硝基化的调控作用,BioRad的2X iQ SYBR green预混液被用于定量PCR。至该文献
为了研究对药物的渴求能通过特定的记忆处理方式抑制,采用了Biorad的 iQ SYBR Green Supermix进行qRT-PCR实验。至该文献
为了研究PSC蛋白能够直接调控细胞周期循环,采用了Bio-Rad的iO SYBR green supermix进行RT-qPCR实验。至该文献
为了研究小鼠中器官的正常发育需要B型的核纤层蛋白的功能,采用Bio-Rad的iQ TM SYBR Green Supermix进行qPCR实验。至该文献
为了研究镰刀细胞贫血能够通过对BCL11A的失活以保持人胎儿血红蛋白的表达而治疗,采用Bio-Rad的iQ SYBR Green Supermix进行QPCR实验。至该文献
为了研究细胞命运决定能够被染色体模式和组蛋白修饰因子调控,采用Bio-Rad的iQ TMSYBR Green Supermix进行QPCR实验。至该文献
为了研究TDRD7在脊椎动物器官发生中的作用,采用Bio-Rad的iQ SYBR green试剂盒进行定量PCR试验。至该文献
为了研究真核生物钟某些DNA转座子可能源自芽生病毒相关的噬病毒体,采用Bio-Rad的iQ SYBR Green Supermix 进行QPCR实验。至该文献
为了研究Dnmt3a通过甲基化基因间隔区域调节神经的基因转录和神经发育的功能,使用了Bio-Rad公司的iQ SYBR Green Supermix来进行实时定量相对PCR实验。至该文献
为了研究KLF家族成员对中枢神经系统神经元再生能力的调节,使用了伯乐公司的Sybr green试剂来进行定量PCR。至该文献
为证实β1整合素蛋白介导的粘附信号对于初始表皮细胞的扩展是必要的,使用了伯乐公司的iQ SYBR Green Supermix来进行实时PCR。至该文献
为了证实卵巢癌细胞中的ERβ受到了甲基化修饰,研究中使用了伯乐公司的SYBR Green I reagents来对实时定量分析中的ER-beta进行标记。至该文献
为了说明在慢性肾病中组织蛋白酶S诱导的弹性组织离解促进了动脉和主动脉瓣钙化,使用了BioRad伯乐公司的iQ SYBR Green Supermix进行PCR反应。至该文献
为了说明Parp1基因和ADP核糖多聚体位于Dnmt1启动子上和说明Parp1能够保护自己的非甲基化状态,使用了Bio-Rad公司的iQ SYBR Green Supermix来进行实时PCR。至该文献
为研究表皮生长因子受体信号传导对在人表皮角质化细胞中芳香烃受体介导的转录和细胞分化的影响,将伯乐公司提供的iQ SYBR Green Supermix用于实时PCR。至该文献
为了证实GLI1-p53回路对细胞数量有控制作用,研究中使用了伯乐公司的iQTm SYBR green mix来进行实时定量反转录PCR至该文献
为研究在人小梁网细胞内转化生长因子beta1和白介素6间的关系,将伯乐公司提供的1X iQ SYBR Green Supermix用于实时PCR反应。至该文献
使用Bio-Rad Laboratories SYBR green I mastermix扩增特定RNA信号,来证明Th17细胞通过IL-17在慢性病毒感染和长期炎症性疾病中的致病作用。至该文献
为了证实蒽环霉素可以抑制HIF-1的转录表达以及肿瘤引起的血管生成细胞的动员,使用了伯乐公司的iQ SYBR Green Supermix来进行qRT-PCR。至该文献
为了说明X染色体失活不能通过RNA干扰启动,使用了BioRad公司的SYBR Green来进行信号检测。至该文献
Waters Corporation
为了研究军团杆菌通过促进真核生物蛋白降解来获得生长所需的氨基酸,采用Waters的GCT Premier mass spectrometer进行气相色谱-质谱实验。至该文献
为了研究果蝇发育和代谢的动态平衡受体内微生物组经胰岛素通路调控,采用Perkin Elmer的double-stranded DNA dye SYBR Green进行实时定量PCR实验。至该文献
为研究E3连接酶RHA2a在种子发芽及幼苗发育中的调节作用,使用了Tiangen公司的SYBR Green I荧光标记染料进行定量PCR反应。至该文献
Quanta Biosciences
为了将非对称式细胞周期简化为最简单、最根本的组成结构,结合数学建模思想及正向遗传学方法,采用了Quanta Biosciences公司的SYBR green PCR master mix,进行qPCR实验。至该文献
为了研究果蝇中Matrimony表达水平的调控对于卵母细胞-胚胎过渡的重要性,Quanta BioSciences的PerfeCTa SYBR Green FastMix被用于进行DNA扩增实验。至该文献
为了研究miR-146a在小鼠造血干细胞中的作用,Quanta Biosciences的基于SYBR Green的定量PCR试剂被用于进行DNA扩增实验。至该文献
为了研究通过运动或基因操作引起的Capicua表达降低能够改善小脑脊髓运动失调1型的症状,采用Quanta Biosciences的Perfecta SYBR Green FastMix进行RT-qPCR实验。至该文献
为了研究MeCP2对成体神经元功能有至关重要的作用,采用Quanta的PerfeCTa SYBR Green Fast Mix进行QPCR实验。至该文献
为了找出肾缺血以后促使肾小管合成胆固醇的因子,使用了Quantace公司的SYBR Green PCR master mix来进行PCR反应。至该文献
Agilent Technologies
为了研究MCU基因的功能属性,Agilent的SYBR Green被用于进行DNA扩增实验。至该文献
为了研究人工改造的乳糖操纵子中损耗收益平衡的细节,采用了Stratagene的Brilliant II SYBR Green QRT-PCR Master Mix进行qPCR实验。至该文献
为了研究病原体诱导的拟南芥的细胞器特异性免疫反应需要ESD1参与连接,采用Stratagene的Brilliant SYBR Green QPCR Core Reagent进行qPCR实验。至该文献
为了研究Hippo信号通路在调控哺乳动物心脏大小中的作用,采用Stratagene的Brilliant II SYBR Green QPCR Master试剂进行定量PCR试验。至该文献
为确定芳香烃受体在胃癌发生过程中的功能性意义,并探讨其在胃癌治疗中可能发挥的作用,将Stratagene提供的Green QPCR master mix用于实时定量PCR。至该文献
为了研究由任意氨基酸聚合物诱导的分泌IL-10的T细胞系中T细胞受体的功能,使用了Stratagene公司的Brilliant SYBR Green QPCR Master Mix来进行定量PCR。至该文献
Stratagene Brilliant SYBR Green QPCR Master Mix 用于实时定量PCR来研究PI3K 在调控CD16 受体激活的单核细胞中细胞因子的产生至该文献
为了说明在骨消化破骨细胞过程中,Src依赖抑制ARF6对维持足体丰富的密封区域是必须的,采用了Stratagene的Brilliant SYBR Green QPCR kit进行实时定量PCR反应。至该文献
为说明G9a/KMT1C和jumonji-C型组蛋白甲基化酶对组蛋白的甲基化、去甲基化所起的作用,使用了Stratagene公司的Brilliant® II SYBR® Green QPCR Master Mix来进行实时定量PCR。至该文献
为了确定是不是Smad3的缺失会增加患直肠癌的可能性,使用了Stratagene公司的Brilliant SYBR Green QPCR Master Mix来进行实时反转录PCR。至该文献
为研究Shp2酪氨酸磷酸酶的作用,使用了Stratagene公司的Sybr green qRT-PCR kit来进行qRT-PCR。至该文献
Takara Bio Inc
为了研究生物钟振荡器相关基因表达可被TOC1抑制,采用了Takara的SYBR Premix Ex Taq进行qPCR实验。至该文献
为证明在原发性乳腺癌中EMP3基因的过量表达是否与DNA的甲基化无关,将Takara提供的SYBR Premix Ex Taq™用于定量实时PCR。至该文献
为研究EWS/ETS对尤文氏肿瘤细胞中dickkopf蛋白家族表达的调控作用,使用了Takara公司的SYBR® Green I来对电泳后的DNA进行染色。至该文献
为了研究Dicer对胰脏的调控作用,使用了TAKARA公司的SYBR Premix Ex Taq来进行定量RT-PCR。至该文献
为了研究卵巢中GIOT-4对雌激素受体蛋白beta的共激活作用,在进行实时定量反转录聚合酶链式反应时使用了TaKaRa公司的Sybr premix Ex Taq酶。至该文献
为了研究小鼠和人神经系统中CLCA基因家族的表达情况,使用了Eurogentec公司的SYBR Green I来进行实时定量RT-PCR。至该文献
  1. Salah Elias et al. (2015). "Huntingtin Is Required for Epithelial Polarity through RAB11A-Mediated Apical Trafficking of PAR3-aPKC".PMID 25942483
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  3. Dai Yin Chao et al. (2014). "Genome-wide association mapping identifies a new arsenate reductase enzyme critical for limiting arsenic accumulation in plants".PMID 25464340
  4. Daniela Martino Roth et al. (2014). "Modulation of the maladaptive stress response to manage diseases of protein folding".PMID 25406061
  5. Gerlinde Reim et al. (2014). "Protection of Armadillo/β-Catenin by Armless, a Novel Positive Regulator of Wingless Signaling".PMID 25369031
  6. Benjamin A Gilston et al. (2014). "Structural and mechanistic basis of zinc regulation across the E. coli Zur regulon".PMID 25369000
  7. Joshua W Modell et al. (2014). "A DNA damage-induced, SOS-independent checkpoint regulates cell division in Caulobacter crescentus".PMID 25350732
  8. Nazanin Rohani et al. (2014). "Variable combinations of specific ephrin ligand/Eph receptor pairs control embryonic tissue separation".PMID 25247423
  9. Maria Vera et al. (2014). "The translation elongation factor eEF1A1 couples transcription to translation during heat shock response".PMID 25233275
  10. Daniil Alpern et al. (2014). "TAF4, a subunit of transcription factor II D, directs promoter occupancy of nuclear receptor HNF4A during post-natal hepatocyte differentiation".PMID 25209997
  11. Tingqing Guo et al. (2014). "Adipocyte ALK7 links nutrient overload to catecholamine resistance in obesity".PMID 25161195
  12. Shiho Chiba et al. (2014). "Recognition of tumor cells by Dectin-1 orchestrates innate immune cells for anti-tumor responses".PMID 25149452
  13. Rajesh Jayachandran et al. (2014). "Coronin 1 regulates cognition and behavior through modulation of cAMP/protein kinase A signaling".PMID 24667537
  14. Sean M Murray et al. (2013). "Computational and genetic reduction of a cell cycle to its simplest, primordial components".PMID 24415923
  15. Ana Antonic et al. (2013). "Stem cell transplantation in traumatic spinal cord injury: a systematic review and meta-analysis of animal studies".PMID 24358022
  16. Marie Cécile Caillaud et al. (2013). "A downy mildew effector attenuates salicylic acid-triggered immunity in Arabidopsis by interacting with the host mediator complex".PMID 24339748
  17. JONATHAN ZIRIN et al. (2013). "Role of autophagy in glycogen breakdown and its relevance to chloroquine myopathy".PMID 24265594
  18. Benjamin Matteson Vincent et al. (2013). "Fitness trade-offs restrict the evolution of resistance to amphotericin B".PMID 24204207
  19. Zachary J Whitfield et al. (2013). "A meiosis-specific form of the APC/C promotes the oocyte-to-embryo transition by decreasing levels of the Polo kinase inhibitor matrimony".PMID 24019759
  20. Aron Szabó et al. (2013). "The CK2 kinase stabilizes CLOCK and represses its activity in the Drosophila circadian oscillator".PMID 24013921
  21. Zhihua Li et al. (2013). "A Bacteriophage tailspike domain promotes self-cleavage of a human membrane-bound transcription factor, the myelin regulatory factor MYRF".PMID 23966832
  22. Mauricio Menacho-Marquez et al. (2013). "The Rho exchange factors Vav2 and Vav3 favor skin tumor initiation and promotion by engaging extracellular signaling loops".PMID 23935450
  23. Sinem Beyhan et al. (2013). "A temperature-responsive network links cell shape and virulence traits in a primary fungal pathogen".PMID 23935449
  24. Matthew B Veldman et al. (2013). "Transdifferentiation of fast skeletal muscle into functional endothelium in vivo by transcription factor Etv2".PMID 23853546
  25. Mingzi M Zhang et al. (2013). "Quantitative control of protein S-palmitoylation regulates meiotic entry in fission yeast".PMID 23843742
  26. Antonio Scialdone et al. (2013). "Arabidopsis plants perform arithmetic division to prevent starvation at night".PMID 23805380
  27. Marc A Kerenyi et al. (2013). "Histone demethylase Lsd1 represses hematopoietic stem and progenitor cell signatures during blood cell maturation".PMID 23795291
  28. Lamia Wahba et al. (2013). "The homologous recombination machinery modulates the formation of RNA-DNA hybrids and associated chromosome instability".PMID 23795288
  29. Rocio Sancho et al. (2013). "Fbw7 repression by hes5 creates a feedback loop that modulates Notch-mediated intestinal and neural stem cell fate decisions".PMID 23776410
  30. Dipayan Chaudhuri et al. (2013). "MCU encodes the pore conducting mitochondrial calcium currents".PMID 23755363
  31. Sandra Mitrovic et al. (2013). "TRPM5-mediated calcium uptake regulates mucin secretion from human colon goblet cells".PMID 23741618
  32. Carmela Sidrauski et al. (2013). "Pharmacological brake-release of mRNA translation enhances cognitive memory".PMID 23741617
  33. Jimmy L Zhao et al. (2013). "MicroRNA-146a acts as a guardian of the quality and longevity of hematopoietic stem cells in mice".PMID 23705069
  34. Tangsheng Yi et al. (2013). "EBI2-mediated bridging channel positioning supports splenic dendritic cell homeostasis and particulate antigen capture".PMID 23682316
  35. Vanina G Da Ros et al. (2013). "Dampening the signals transduced through hedgehog via microRNA miR-7 facilitates notch-induced tumourigenesis".PMID 23667323
  36. Birgitte Holst et al. (2013). "PICK1 deficiency impairs secretory vesicle biogenesis and leads to growth retardation and decreased glucose tolerance".PMID 23630454
  37. Ryo Suzuki et al. (2013). "Reduction of the cholesterol sensor SCAP in the brains of mice causes impaired synaptic transmission and altered cognitive function".PMID 23585733
  38. Minna D Balbas et al. (2013). "Overcoming mutation-based resistance to antiandrogens with rational drug design".PMID 23580326
  39. Xiao Wei Chen et al. (2013). "SEC24A deficiency lowers plasma cholesterol through reduced PCSK9 secretion".PMID 23580231
  40. Chiara Sinigaglia et al. (2013). "The bilaterian head patterning gene six3/6 controls aboral domain development in a cnidarian".PMID 23483856
  41. Haiying Zhou et al. (2013). "Dual functions of TAF7L in adipocyte differentiation".PMID 23326641
  42. Sona Kang et al. (2012). "Regulation of early adipose commitment by Zfp521".PMID 23209378
  43. Hennady P Shulha et al. (2012). "Human-specific histone methylation signatures at transcription start sites in prefrontal neurons".PMID 23185133
  44. Hong Qiao et al. (2012). "Processing and subcellular trafficking of ER-tethered EIN2 control response to ethylene gas".PMID 22936567
  45. Nobuya Koike et al. (2012). "Transcriptional architecture and chromatin landscape of the core circadian clock in mammals".PMID 22936566
  46. Janelle C Arthur et al. (2012). "Intestinal inflammation targets cancer-inducing activity of the microbiota".PMID 22903521
  47. Anwesha Dey et al. (2012). "Loss of the tumor suppressor BAP1 causes myeloid transformation".PMID 22878500
  48. Devendra Singh et al. (2012). "Transforming fusions of FGFR and TACC genes in human glioblastoma".PMID 22837387
  49. Thomas Conrad et al. (2012). "Drosophila dosage compensation involves enhanced Pol II recruitment to male X-linked promoters".PMID 22821985
  50. Marina Oldenburg et al. (2012). "TLR13 recognizes bacterial 23S rRNA devoid of erythromycin resistance-forming modification".PMID 22821982
  51. Vincent Coustham et al. (2012). "Quantitative modulation of polycomb silencing underlies natural variation in vernalization".PMID 22798408
  52. Vishal S Somvanshi et al. (2012). "A single promoter inversion switches Photorhabdus between pathogenic and mutualistic states".PMID 22767929
  53. Katrin Hoffmeyer et al. (2012). "Wnt/β-catenin signaling regulates telomerase in stem cells and cancer cells".PMID 22723415
  54. Weiqiang Qian et al. (2012). "A histone acetyltransferase regulates active DNA demethylation in Arabidopsis".PMID 22700931
  55. Jeremy E Purvis et al. (2012). "p53 dynamics control cell fate".PMID 22700930
  56. Amrita M Nargund et al. (2012). "Mitochondrial import efficiency of ATFS-1 regulates mitochondrial UPR activation".PMID 22700657
  57. Marloes P Bagijn et al. (2012). "Function, targets, and evolution of Caenorhabditis elegans piRNAs".PMID 22700655
  58. Stephen J Martin et al. (2012). "Global honey bee viral landscape altered by a parasitic mite".PMID 22679096
  59. Oliver Stehling et al. (2012). "MMS19 assembles iron-sulfur proteins required for DNA metabolism and genomic integrity".PMID 22678362
  60. Gregory F Sonnenberg et al. (2012). "Innate lymphoid cells promote anatomical containment of lymphoid-resident commensal bacteria".PMID 22674331
  61. Iliyan D Iliev et al. (2012). "Interactions between commensal fungi and the C-type lectin receptor Dectin-1 influence colitis".PMID 22674328
  62. Thilo Winzer et al. (2012). "A Papaver somniferum 10-gene cluster for synthesis of the anticancer alkaloid noscapine".PMID 22653730
  63. Daniel K Bricker et al. (2012). "A mitochondrial pyruvate carrier required for pyruvate uptake in yeast, Drosophila, and humans".PMID 22628558
  64. Matt Eames et al. (2012). "Cost-benefit tradeoffs in engineered lac operons".PMID 22605776
  65. Nobuhiko Kamada et al. (2012). "Regulated virulence controls the ability of a pathogen to compete with the gut microbiota".PMID 22582016
  66. Andrés Garelli et al. (2012). "Imaginal discs secrete insulin-like peptide 8 to mediate plasticity of growth and maturation".PMID 22556250
  67. Guillaume Moissiard et al. (2012). "MORC family ATPases required for heterochromatin condensation and gene silencing".PMID 22555433
  68. Divya Seth et al. (2012). "Endogenous protein S-Nitrosylation in E. coli: regulation by OxyR".PMID 22539721
  69. Sophie Peron et al. (2012). "AID-driven deletion causes immunoglobulin heavy chain locus suicide recombination in B cells".PMID 22539552
  70. Lu Liu et al. (2012). "FTIP1 is an essential regulator required for florigen transport".PMID 22529749
  71. Vitor B Pinheiro et al. (2012). "Synthetic genetic polymers capable of heredity and evolution".PMID 22517858
  72. Oren N Schaedel et al. (2012). "Hormonal signal amplification mediates environmental conditions during development and controls an irreversible commitment to adulthood".PMID 22505848
  73. Sergej Djuranovic et al. (2012). "miRNA-mediated gene silencing by translational repression followed by mRNA deadenylation and decay".PMID 22499947
  74. In Hye Lee et al. (2012). "Atg7 modulates p53 activity to regulate cell cycle and survival during metabolic stress".PMID 22499945
  75. Patrick Muller et al. (2012). "Differential diffusivity of Nodal and Lefty underlies a reaction-diffusion patterning system".PMID 22499809
  76. Adone Mohd-Sarip et al. (2012). "Transcription-independent function of Polycomb group protein PSC in cell cycle control".PMID 22491092
  77. Dudley W Lamming et al. (2012). "Rapamycin-induced insulin resistance is mediated by mTORC2 loss and uncoupled from longevity".PMID 22461615
  78. Daniel M Messerschmidt et al. (2012). "Trim28 is required for epigenetic stability during mouse oocyte to embryo transition".PMID 22442485
  79. Torsten Olszak et al. (2012). "Microbial exposure during early life has persistent effects on natural killer T cell function".PMID 22442383
  80. Zhengzheng S Liang et al. (2012). "Molecular determinants of scouting behavior in honey bees".PMID 22403390
  81. W Huang et al. (2012). "Mapping the core of the Arabidopsis circadian clock defines the network structure of the oscillator".PMID 22403178
  82. Abhinav K Jain et al. (2012). "p53 regulates cell cycle and microRNAs to promote differentiation of human embryonic stem cells".PMID 22389628
  83. Giselle de Almeida Oliveira et al. (2012). "Epithelial nitration by a peroxidase/NOX5 system mediates mosquito antiplasmodial immunity".PMID 22282475
  84. Jeong Ho Lee et al. (2012). "Evolutionarily assembled cis-regulatory module at a human ciliopathy locus".PMID 22282472
  85. Saikat Bhattacharjee et al. (2011). "Pathogen effectors target Arabidopsis EDS1 and alter its interactions with immune regulators".PMID 22158819
  86. Katharina Heidrich et al. (2011). "Arabidopsis EDS1 connects pathogen effector recognition to cell compartment-specific immune responses".PMID 22158818
  87. Jessica Strid et al. (2011). "The intraepithelial T cell response to NKG2D-ligands links lymphoid stress surveillance to atopy".PMID 22144628
  88. Youngjo Kim et al. (2011). "Mouse B-type lamins are required for proper organogenesis but not by embryonic stem cells".PMID 22116031
  89. Christopher T D Price et al. (2011). "Host proteasomal degradation generates amino acids essential for intracellular bacterial growth".PMID 22096100
  90. Zsolt Szijgyarto et al. (2011). "Influence of inositol pyrophosphates on cellular energy dynamics".PMID 22076377
  91. John D Fryer et al. (2011). "Exercise and genetic rescue of SCA1 via the transcriptional repressor Capicua".PMID 22053053
  92. María José Mendiburo et al. (2011). "Drosophila CENH3 is sufficient for centromere formation".PMID 22053052
  93. Seung Chul Shin et al. (2011). "Drosophila microbiome modulates host developmental and metabolic homeostasis via insulin signaling".PMID 22053049
  94. Cecilia A Riquelme et al. (2011). "Fatty acids identified in the Burmese python promote beneficial cardiac growth".PMID 22034436
  95. Elina A Kiss et al. (2011). "Natural aryl hydrocarbon receptor ligands control organogenesis of intestinal lymphoid follicles".PMID 22033518
  96. Frédéric H Login et al. (2011). "Antimicrobial peptides keep insect endosymbionts under control".PMID 22021855
  97. Shipra Vaishnava et al. (2011). "The antibacterial lectin RegIIIgamma promotes the spatial segregation of microbiota and host in the intestine".PMID 21998396
  98. Chenli Liu et al. (2011). "Sequential establishment of stripe patterns in an expanding cell population".PMID 21998392
  99. Jian Xu et al. (2011). "Correction of sickle cell disease in adult mice by interference with fetal hemoglobin silencing".PMID 21998251
  100. James A Harker et al. (2011). "Late interleukin-6 escalates T follicular helper cell responses and controls a chronic viral infection".PMID 21960530
  101. Wenqin Wang et al. (2011). "Chromosome organization by a nucleoid-associated protein in live bacteria".PMID 21903814
  102. Brandon K Swan et al. (2011). "Potential for chemolithoautotrophy among ubiquitous bacteria lineages in the dark ocean".PMID 21885783
  103. Damian Refojo et al. (2011). "Glutamatergic and dopaminergic neurons mediate anxiogenic and anxiolytic effects of CRHR1".PMID 21885734
  104. Satoru Hashimoto et al. (2011). "MED23 mutation links intellectual disability to dysregulation of immediate early gene expression".PMID 21868677
  105. Hiroaki Wake et al. (2011). "Control of local protein synthesis and initial events in myelination by action potentials".PMID 21817014
  106. Nishant Agrawal et al. (2011). "Exome sequencing of head and neck squamous cell carcinoma reveals inactivating mutations in NOTCH1".PMID 21798897
  107. Farren J Isaacs et al. (2011). "Precise manipulation of chromosomes in vivo enables genome-wide codon replacement".PMID 21764749
  108. Camille J Delebecque et al. (2011). "Organization of intracellular reactions with rationally designed RNA assemblies".PMID 21700839
  109. Christopher M McGraw et al. (2011). "Adult neural function requires MeCP2".PMID 21636743
  110. Cheng Ran Xu et al. (2011). "Chromatin "prepattern" and histone modifiers in a fate choice for liver and pancreas".PMID 21596989
  111. Chris M Cirimotich et al. (2011). "Natural microbe-mediated refractoriness to Plasmodium infection in Anopheles gambiae".PMID 21566196
  112. Jun Young Seo et al. (2011). "Human cytomegalovirus directly induces the antiviral protein viperin to enhance infectivity".PMID 21527675
  113. Todd Heallen et al. (2011). "Hippo pathway inhibits Wnt signaling to restrain cardiomyocyte proliferation and heart size".PMID 21512031
  114. Jingru Sun et al. (2011). "Neuronal GPCR controls innate immunity by regulating noncanonical unfolded protein response genes".PMID 21474712
  115. Serkan Kir et al. (2011). "FGF19 as a postprandial, insulin-independent activator of hepatic protein and glycogen synthesis".PMID 21436455
  116. Salil A Lachke et al. (2011). "Mutations in the RNA granule component TDRD7 cause cataract and glaucoma".PMID 21436445
  117. DAVINA WU et al. (2011). "Eosinophils sustain adipose alternatively activated macrophages associated with glucose homeostasis".PMID 21436399
  118. Gabriel Neurohr et al. (2011). "A midzone-based ruler adjusts chromosome compaction to anaphase spindle length".PMID 21393511
  119. Matthias G Fischer et al. (2011). "A virophage at the origin of large DNA transposons".PMID 21385722
  120. Jun Fan et al. (2011). "Pseudomonas sax genes overcome aliphatic isothiocyanate-mediated non-host resistance in Arabidopsis".PMID 21385714
  121. Isaac Wirgin et al. (2011). "Mechanistic basis of resistance to PCBs in Atlantic tomcod from the Hudson River".PMID 21330491
  122. Pierre A Pin et al. (2010). "An antagonistic pair of FT homologs mediates the control of flowering time in sugar beet".PMID 21127254
  123. Jae Bok Heo et al. (2011). "Vernalization-mediated epigenetic silencing by a long intronic noncoding RNA".PMID 21127216
  124. Hao Wu et al. (2010). "Dnmt3a-dependent nonpromoter DNA methylation facilitates transcription of neurogenic genes".PMID 20651149
  125. Hannah E Volkman et al. (2010). "Tuberculous granuloma induction via interaction of a bacterial secreted protein with host epithelium".PMID 20007864
  126. Kim F Rewitz et al. (2009). "The insect neuropeptide PTTH activates receptor tyrosine kinase torso to initiate metamorphosis".PMID 19965758
  127. Fuquan Liu et al. (2010). "Targeted 3' processing of antisense transcripts triggers Arabidopsis FLC chromatin silencing".PMID 19965720
  128. Alberto C Rossi et al. (2010). "Two novel/ancient myosins in mammalian skeletal muscles: MYH14/7b and MYH15 are expressed in extraocular muscles and muscle spindles".PMID 19948655
  129. Siim Sõber et al. (2010). "MicroRNAs miR-124 and miR-135a are potential regulators of the mineralocorticoid receptor gene (NR3C2) expression".PMID 19944075
  130. Katja A Lamia et al. (2009). "AMPK regulates the circadian clock by cryptochrome phosphorylation and degradation".PMID 19833968
  131. Darcie L Moore et al. (2009). "KLF family members regulate intrinsic axon regeneration ability".PMID 19815778
  132. Ashutosh Chaudhry et al. (2009). "CD4+ regulatory T cells control TH17 responses in a Stat3-dependent manner".PMID 19797626
  133. Ameen A Salahudeen et al. (2009). "An E3 ligase possessing an iron-responsive hemerythrin domain is a regulator of iron homeostasis".PMID 19762597
  134. Chiara Vecchi et al. (2009). "ER stress controls iron metabolism through induction of hepcidin".PMID 19679815
  135. Jihye Yun et al. (2009). "Glucose deprivation contributes to the development of KRAS pathway mutations in tumor cells".PMID 19661383
  136. Aleksandra Piwko-Czuchra et al. (2009). "Beta1 integrin-mediated adhesion signalling is essential for epidermal progenitor cell expansion".PMID 19424505
  137. Bin Li et al. (2009). "Overexpression of nuclear transport factor 2 may protect against diabetic retinopathy".PMID 19404486
  138. Hong Zhao et al. (2009). "A novel promoter controls Cyp19a1 gene expression in mouse adipose tissue".PMID 19393092
  139. Tie Li Peng et al. (2009). "Potential therapeutic significance of increased expression of aryl hydrocarbon receptor in human gastric cancer".PMID 19360915
  140. John T Pesce et al. (2009). "Arginase-1-expressing macrophages suppress Th2 cytokine-driven inflammation and fibrosis".PMID 19360123
  141. Olga Varea et al. (2009). "Estradiol activates beta-catenin dependent transcription in neurons".PMID 19360103
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