为了研究慢性病毒感染的后期IL-6对病毒控制至关重要,采用了Southern BiotechHRP conjugated anti-mouse IgG2a进行ELISA实验。 至该文献
为了研究物理化学损伤能够通过NKG2D激活TH2细胞来诱导特异性反应,采用PharMingen的rat monoclonal anti-mouse IgG2a进行抗体反应分析实验。 至该文献
为了研究兴奋性的CD40抗体诱导的免疫活化能够被共同表达的Fcgamma受体Fcgamma RIIB增强,采用BD Biosciences的FITC-conjugated rat anti-mouse IgG2a进行流式细胞分选实验。 至该文献
  1. Strid J, Sobolev O, Zafirova B, Polic B, Hayday A. The intraepithelial T cell response to NKG2D-ligands links lymphoid stress surveillance to atopy. Science. 2011;334:1293-7 pubmed 出版商
  2. Harker J, Lewis G, Mack L, Zuniga E. Late interleukin-6 escalates T follicular helper cell responses and controls a chronic viral infection. Science. 2011;334:825-9 pubmed 出版商
  3. Li F, Ravetch J. Inhibitory Fc? receptor engagement drives adjuvant and anti-tumor activities of agonistic CD40 antibodies. Science. 2011;333:1030-4 pubmed 出版商