Hitachi High Technologies America
为研究碳酸酐酶可通过spidroin蛋白末端功能域促进蜘蛛丝的形成,采用Hitachi的H7100 electron microscope进行电镜实验。至该文献
为了研究伞菌纲中木质素降解酶过氧化物酶的进化过程,采用了Hitachi的S3500 N scanning electron microscope进行电子显微镜成像实验。至该文献
为了研究dll基因在Rheumatobates rileyi两性异形特征进化中的作用,Hitachi 3000显微镜被用于成像。至该文献
为了研究PSC蛋白能够直接调控细胞周期循环,采用了HITACHI的TM1000 scanning electron microscope进行扫描电镜实验。至该文献
为了研究伴侣蛋白能够促进转录因子KNOTTED1在细胞之间穿梭,采用Hitachi的S-3500N SEM进行SEM电镜成像实验。至该文献
FEI Company
为了研究Nup188和Nup192的结构和功能特性,FEI的Tecnai Spirit电镜被用于进行电镜实验。至该文献
为了研究高尔基体介导的蛋白转运机制,FEI的Tencai Biotwin透射电镜被用于进行电镜实验。至该文献
为了研究核糖体终止信使RNA翻译的机制,FEI的Tecnai Polara被用于进行电镜实验。至该文献
为了研究酵母的线粒体分裂,FEI的Tecnai 30 FEG被用于进行电镜实验。至该文献
为了研究肺部粘液层与呼吸道上皮被纤毛刷分隔开,采用了FEI Company的FEI/Phillips Tecnai 12进行透射电子显微镜法实验。至该文献
为了研究特定转录因子在西红柿果实中的表达及其对果实质量的影响,采用了FEI Company的Philips CM120 Biotwin Lens transmission electron microscope进行透射电镜实验。至该文献
为了研究初级免疫应答能够被布氏锥虫的腺苷酸环化酶抑制,采用了Tecnai的Quanta 200F microscope进行扫描电镜实验。至该文献
为了研究自组装的蛋白纳米材料可由计算机模拟加以设计,采用了FEI的120 kV transmission electron microscope进行电镜实验。至该文献
为了研究外壳蛋白复合物会采用不同的构象和互作进行囊泡外壳组装,采用了FEI Tecnai的300 kV FEI Tecnai F30 Polara transmission electron microscope进行低温电子X线断层成像实验。至该文献
为了研究氧化铁纳米颗粒对小鼠血糖的调控作用,FEI的Tecnai SpiritBT透射电子显微镜被用于电镜实验。至该文献
为了研究SNARE蛋白的特点,采用了FEI的Tecnai-12 electron microscope进行电镜实验。至该文献
为了研究动物细胞中有microDNA存在,采用了FEI的T12 TEM进行电镜实验。至该文献
为了研究肌间蛋白产生高度伸缩结构的机制,采用了FEI electron optics公司的Tecnai G2 Spirit electron microscope,进行电镜影像实验。至该文献
为了研究抗原呈递能力受B细胞分裂过程中极化抗原的非对称性分离有关,采用了FEI Company的Tecnai Spirit Biotwin 120 keV TEM进行电镜实验。至该文献
为了研究一种新的能生成四硫化三铁的磁性细菌被成功的分离和培养,采用FEI Company的Tecnai model G2 F30 Super-Twin transmission electron microscope进行电镜成像实验。至该文献
为了研究小鼠中器官的正常发育需要B型的核纤层蛋白的功能,采用FEI的T12 transmission electron microscope进行电镜实验。至该文献
为了研究氧化还原酶Mical能够调节肌动蛋白丝的形成,采用FEI的Tecnai G2 Spirit Biotwin electron microscope进行电镜成像实验。至该文献
为了研究酵母可以用来模仿Abeta的毒性以筛选可能的修饰基因,采用FEI的Technai Spirit Transmission Electron Microscope进行电镜扫描实验。至该文献
为了研究HIV的糖基化外膜能够被PGT抗体识别从而中和HIV病毒,采用FEI的Tecnai TF20进行电镜扫描实验。至该文献
为了研究40S核糖体成熟前的中间产物能被后期结合的装配因子抑制而无法参与翻译起始,采用Tecnai的T12 electron microscope进行电镜成像实验。至该文献
为了研究脊髓损伤后形成的疤痕来自于外周细胞,采用FEI的Tecnai 12 electron microscope进行电镜实验。至该文献
为了研究CR8020抗体能够抑制多数2型流感病毒,采用FEI company的Tecnai12 Biotwin进行免疫金电镜实验。至该文献
为了研究人工设计的RNA模块可以用于细胞内反应的调控,采用Tecnai的G2 Spirit BioTWIN transmission electron microscope进行透射电子显微镜实验。至该文献
为了研究真核生物钟某些DNA转座子可能源自芽生病毒相关的噬病毒体,采用FEI Tecnai的G2 20 TWIN transmission electron microscope进行透射电镜实验。至该文献
为了研究沙门氏菌针状复合物的3D亚纳米结构,采用FEI的Tecnai Polara进行电镜成像实验。至该文献
为了研究DMX12在小鼠GnRH神经元缺失引起的不育症中的作用,采用了Jeol公司的JEM-100CXII electron microscope,进行影像实验。至该文献
为了在小鼠模型中研究sFlt-1对于维持无血管感光层的作用,JEOL的JEM 1400电镜被用于进行电镜实验。至该文献
为了研究花椰菜花叶病毒识别蚜虫载体的机制,采用了Jeol公司的JEM 100CX II electron microscope(JEM 100CX II电镜),进行电镜成像实验。至该文献
为了研究cMyBP-C在心肌收缩过程中的作用,采用了Jeol的1210 microscope进行投射电子显微镜实验。至该文献
为了研究披发虫属基体的车轮状结构,采用了JEOL的JEM 2200FS cryo-electron microscope进行电子断层扫描实验至该文献
为了研究SNARE复合物的部分和全组装是细胞膜融合中间体形成所需要的,采用了JEOL的JEM-3200FSC electron microscope进行电镜实验。至该文献
为了研究成花素转运过程中FTIP1的作用,采用了Jeol公司的transmission electron microscope(透射电镜),进行影像实验。至该文献
为了研究一种新的能生成四硫化三铁的磁性细菌被成功的分离和培养,采用JEOL的model 3010 transmission electron microscope进行电镜成像实验。至该文献
为了研究神经递质释放能够被RIM结合蛋白调控,采用JEOL的JEM 2100进行电镜成像实验。至该文献
为了研究韧皮运输需要SWEET蛋白介导的糖外流,采用JEOL的JEM-1400 TEM at 120kV进行电镜成像实验。至该文献
为了研究db/db小鼠的肥胖能够通过下丘脑神经元移植进行治疗,采用JEOL的1011 TEM进行电镜实验。至该文献
为了研究来自精子的线粒体和其他细胞器在受精后会被清除,采用Jeol的1010 Transmission Electron Microscope进行透射电子显微镜实验。至该文献
为了研究果蝇干细胞的增殖能够被寄生虫沃尔巴克氏体促进,采用JEOL的JEM2010 transmission electron microscope进行电镜实验。至该文献
为了通过新发现的中和抗体能够与1型2型流感病毒的血凝素相互作用,采用Jeol的1200EX electron microscope进行电镜实验。至该文献
为了研究氧化镍晶格的电子相变可以通过维度调控,采用JEOL的JEM4000FX microscope进行TEM成像实验至该文献
为了研究雌性激素对于脑血管功能和认知能力的影响,使用了JEOL DATUM公司的JEM-1200EX电子显微镜来观察样品。至该文献
Carl Zeiss
为了研究神经递质所介导的胞外体转移在神经元和少突胶质细胞间相互作用中的作用,Zeiss的LEO EM912 Omega被用于进行免疫电镜实验。至该文献
为了研究髓鞘膜组装的机制,Carl Zeiss的Leo 912AB电镜被用于进行免疫电镜实验。至该文献
为了研究象鼻鱼的视网膜特化提高了它们在浑水中的视力,采用了Zeiss的electron microscope进行电镜实验。至该文献
为了研究在一种蓝藻中胞内碳酸盐的形成,Zeiss的Ultra 55 FEG-SEM被用于扫描电镜观察。至该文献
为了研究抗原呈递能力受B细胞分裂过程中极化抗原的非对称性分离有关,采用了Zeiss的Sigma VP scanning electron microscope进行电镜实验。至该文献
为了研究S1P蛋白酶对溶酶体的生成至关重要,采用Zeiss的EM902 electron microscope进行电镜成像实验。至该文献
为了研究甲虫腿部基节与转节相连的关节结构,采用Zeiss的LEO 1430VP electron microscope进行扫描电镜实验。至该文献
为了阐明Bmper如何动态的由一个激活剂转变成Bmp4信号的抑制剂的分子机制,采用了Carl Zeiss, Inc.的透射电子显微镜观察超薄切片。至该文献
Philips Healthcare
为了研究粘膜初级免疫受HD6自组装促进,采用了Philips的XL-30 scanning electron microscope进行扫描电镜实验。至该文献
为了研究动物细胞中有microDNA存在,采用了Philips的CM12 TEM进行电镜实验。至该文献
为了研究昆虫的内共生体可以被抗菌肽段ColA保护,采用Philips的CM120 transmission electron microscope进行免疫金标记实验。至该文献
为了研究蝴蝶翅膀花纹拟态的进化受optix基因的调控,采用Philips的XL-30 FEG SEM进行扫描电镜实验。至该文献
为了研究秀丽隐杆线虫(C. elegans)融合蛋白家族成员AFF-1蛋白的结构和功能,采用Philips的CM120透射电镜进行透射电子显微检测。至该文献
为了研究脱镁叶绿酸水解酶和叶片衰老和叶绿素分解相关,采用了Philips公司的Philips CM10 transmission electron microscope,进行对标记样品的显微镜观察至该文献
为证实aaMph可以对抗不受控制的大脑感染,使用了Philips公司的EM 208电子显微镜来进行观察。至该文献
使用飞利浦LS 410 电子显微镜显示免疫印记,来证明生长营养因子缺乏时自噬作用会导致细胞凋亡。至该文献
  1. Brooke Tata et al. (2014). "Haploinsufficiency of Dmxl2, encoding a synaptic protein, causes infertility associated with a loss of GnRH neurons in mouse".PMID 25248098
  2. Marléne Andersson et al. (2014). "Carbonic anhydrase generates CO2 and H+ that drive spider silk formation via opposite effects on the terminal domains".PMID 25093327
  3. Alexander Ludwig et al. (2013). "Molecular composition and ultrastructure of the caveolar coat complex".PMID 24013648
  4. Christopher R Brown et al. (2013). "Linking stochastic fluctuations in chromatin structure and gene expression".PMID 23940458
  5. Carsten Frühbeis et al. (2013). "Neurotransmitter-triggered transfer of exosomes mediates oligodendrocyte-neuron communication".PMID 23874151
  6. Kasper R Andersen et al. (2013). "Scaffold nucleoporins Nup188 and Nup192 share structural and functional properties with nuclear transport receptors".PMID 23795296
  7. Ling Luo et al. (2013). "Photoreceptor avascular privilege is shielded by soluble VEGF receptor-1".PMID 23795287
  8. Artur A Indzhykulian et al. (2013). "Molecular remodeling of tip links underlies mechanosensory regeneration in auditory hair cells".PMID 23776407
  9. Shweta Aggarwal et al. (2013). "Myelin membrane assembly is driven by a phase transition of myelin basic proteins into a cohesive protein meshwork".PMID 23762018
  10. Gregory Lavieu et al. (2013). "Stapled Golgi cisternae remain in place as cargo passes through the stack".PMID 23755362
  11. Jesper Pallesen et al. (2013). "Cryo-EM visualization of the ribosome in termination complex with apo-RF3 and RF1".PMID 23755360
  12. Andrew Murley et al. (2013). "ER-associated mitochondrial division links the distribution of mitochondria and mitochondrial DNA in yeast".PMID 23682313
  13. Jiajie Diao et al. (2013). "Native α-synuclein induces clustering of synaptic-vesicle mimics via binding to phospholipids and synaptobrevin-2/VAMP2".PMID 23638301
  14. Alexandre Martinière et al. (2013). "A virus responds instantly to the presence of the vector on the host and forms transmission morphs".PMID 23358702
  15. Bo Xiong et al. (2012). "Crag is a GEF for Rab11 required for rhodopsin trafficking and maintenance of adult photoreceptor cells".PMID 23226104
  16. Brian Button et al. (2012). "A periciliary brush promotes the lung health by separating the mucus layer from airway epithelia".PMID 22923574
  17. M J Previs et al. (2012). "Molecular mechanics of cardiac myosin-binding protein C in native thick filaments".PMID 22923435
  18. Paul Guichard et al. (2012). "Cartwheel architecture of Trichonympha basal body".PMID 22798403
  19. Dimitrios Floudas et al. (2012). "The Paleozoic origin of enzymatic lignin decomposition reconstructed from 31 fungal genomes".PMID 22745431
  20. Ann L T Powell et al. (2012). "Uniform ripening encodes a Golden 2-like transcription factor regulating tomato fruit chloroplast development".PMID 22745430
  21. Moritz Kreysing et al. (2012). "Photonic crystal light collectors in fish retina improve vision in turbid water".PMID 22745429
  22. Hiutung Chu et al. (2012). "Human α-defensin 6 promotes mucosal innate immunity through self-assembled peptide nanonets".PMID 22722251
  23. Didier Salmon et al. (2012). "Adenylate cyclases of Trypanosoma brucei inhibit the innate immune response of the host".PMID 22700656
  24. Neil P King et al. (2012). "Computational design of self-assembling protein nanomaterials with atomic level accuracy".PMID 22654060
  25. Javier M Hernandez et al. (2012). "Membrane fusion intermediates via directional and full assembly of the SNARE complex".PMID 22653732
  26. Marco Faini et al. (2012). "The structures of COPI-coated vesicles reveal alternate coatomer conformations and interactions".PMID 22628556
  27. Nobuhiko Kamada et al. (2012). "Regulated virulence controls the ability of a pathogen to compete with the gut microbiota".PMID 22582016
  28. Sarah A Stanley et al. (2012). "Radio-wave heating of iron oxide nanoparticles can regulate plasma glucose in mice".PMID 22556257
  29. Abderrahman Khila et al. (2012). "Function, developmental genetics, and fitness consequences of a sexually antagonistic trait".PMID 22556252
  30. Estelle Couradeau et al. (2012). "An early-branching microbialite cyanobacterium forms intracellular carbonates".PMID 22539718
  31. Lu Liu et al. (2012). "FTIP1 is an essential regulator required for florigen transport".PMID 22529749
  32. Philipp Neudecker et al. (2012). "Structure of an intermediate state in protein folding and aggregation".PMID 22517863
  33. Adone Mohd-Sarip et al. (2012). "Transcription-independent function of Polycomb group protein PSC in cell cycle control".PMID 22491092
  34. Lei Shi et al. (2012). "SNARE proteins: one to fuse and three to keep the nascent fusion pore open".PMID 22422984
  35. Yoshiyuki Shibata et al. (2012). "Extrachromosomal microDNAs and chromosomal microdeletions in normal tissues".PMID 22403181
  36. Nikos Pinotsis et al. (2012). "Superhelical architecture of the myosin filament-linking protein myomesin with unusual elastic properties".PMID 22347812
  37. Olivier Thaunat et al. (2012). "Asymmetric segregation of polarized antigen on B cell division shapes presentation capacity".PMID 22282815
  38. Christopher T Lefèvre et al. (2011). "A cultured greigite-producing magnetotactic bacterium in a novel group of sulfate-reducing bacteria".PMID 22194580
  39. Karen S Y Liu et al. (2011). "RIM-binding protein, a central part of the active zone, is essential for neurotransmitter release".PMID 22174254
  40. Chia Lin Hsu et al. (2012). "Equilibrative nucleoside transporter 3 deficiency perturbs lysosome function and macrophage homeostasis".PMID 22174130
  41. Li Qing Chen et al. (2012). "Sucrose efflux mediated by SWEET proteins as a key step for phloem transport".PMID 22157085
  42. Artur Czupryn et al. (2011). "Transplanted hypothalamic neurons restore leptin signaling and ameliorate obesity in db/db mice".PMID 22116886
  43. Youngjo Kim et al. (2011). "Mouse B-type lamins are required for proper organogenesis but not by embryonic stem cells".PMID 22116031
  44. Ruei Jiun Hung et al. (2011). "Direct redox regulation of F-actin assembly and disassembly by Mical".PMID 22116028
  45. Sara Al Rawi et al. (2011). "Postfertilization autophagy of sperm organelles prevents paternal mitochondrial DNA transmission".PMID 22033522
  46. Sebastian Treusch et al. (2011). "Functional links between Aβ toxicity, endocytic trafficking, and Alzheimer's disease risk factors in yeast".PMID 22033521
  47. Frédéric H Login et al. (2011). "Antimicrobial peptides keep insect endosymbionts under control".PMID 22021855
  48. Eva M Fast et al. (2011). "Wolbachia enhance Drosophila stem cell proliferation and target the germline stem cell niche".PMID 22021671
  49. Robert Pejchal et al. (2011). "A potent and broad neutralizing antibody recognizes and penetrates the HIV glycan shield".PMID 21998254
  50. Xianfeng Morgan Xu et al. (2011). "Chaperonins facilitate KNOTTED1 cell-to-cell trafficking and stem cell function".PMID 21868675
  51. Bethany S Strunk et al. (2011). "Ribosome assembly factors prevent premature translation initiation by 40S assembly intermediates".PMID 21835981
  52. Davide Corti et al. (2011). "A neutralizing antibody selected from plasma cells that binds to group 1 and group 2 influenza A hemagglutinins".PMID 21798894
  53. Rosa C Paolicelli et al. (2011). "Synaptic pruning by microglia is necessary for normal brain development".PMID 21778362
  54. Robert D Reed et al. (2011). "optix drives the repeated convergent evolution of butterfly wing pattern mimicry".PMID 21778360
  55. Christian Goritz et al. (2011). "A pericyte origin of spinal cord scar tissue".PMID 21737741
  56. Damian C Ekiert et al. (2011). "A highly conserved neutralizing epitope on group 2 influenza A viruses".PMID 21737702
  57. Katrin Marschner et al. (2011). "A key enzyme in the biogenesis of lysosomes is a protease that regulates cholesterol metabolism".PMID 21719679
  58. Thomas van de Kamp et al. (2011). "A biological screw in a beetle's leg".PMID 21719669
  59. Camille J Delebecque et al. (2011). "Organization of intracellular reactions with rationally designed RNA assemblies".PMID 21700839
  60. Gevorg Grigoryan et al. (2011). "Computational design of virus-like protein assemblies on carbon nanotube surfaces".PMID 21617073
  61. A V Boris et al. (2011). "Dimensionality control of electronic phase transitions in nickel-oxide superlattices".PMID 21596986
  62. Masako Narita et al. (2011). "Spatial coupling of mTOR and autophagy augments secretory phenotypes".PMID 21512002
  63. Omar S Qureshi et al. (2011). "Trans-endocytosis of CD80 and CD86: a molecular basis for the cell-extrinsic function of CTLA-4".PMID 21474713
  64. Ori Avinoam et al. (2011). "Conserved eukaryotic fusogens can fuse viral envelopes to cells".PMID 21436398
  65. Matthias G Fischer et al. (2011). "A virophage at the origin of large DNA transposons".PMID 21385722
  66. Oliver Schraidt et al. (2011). "Three-dimensional model of Salmonella's needle complex at subnanometer resolution".PMID 21385715
  67. Naohito Kitamura et al. (2009). "Beneficial effects of estrogen in a mouse model of cerebrovascular insufficiency".PMID 19357782
  68. Silvia Schelbert et al. (2009). "Pheophytin pheophorbide hydrolase (pheophytinase) is involved in chlorophyll breakdown during leaf senescence in Arabidopsis".PMID 19304936
  69. T Renee Dawson et al. (2009). "ER membrane-bending proteins are necessary for de novo nuclear pore formation".PMID 19273614
  70. Rusty Kelley et al. (2009). "A concentration-dependent endocytic trap and sink mechanism converts Bmper from an activator to an inhibitor of Bmp signaling".PMID 19221194
  71. Werner Stenzel et al. (2009). "IL-4/IL-13-dependent alternative activation of macrophages but not microglial cells is associated with uncontrolled cerebral cryptococcosis".PMID 19147811
  72. Xin Wang et al. (2009). "Mitochondrial degeneration and not apoptosis is the primary cause of embryonic lethality in ceramide transfer protein mutant mice".PMID 19139267
  73. Brian J Altman et al. (2009). "Autophagy provides nutrients but can lead to Chop-dependent induction of Bim to sensitize growth factor-deprived cells to apoptosis".PMID 19109422
  74. Takuya Asaka et al. (2009). "Type XVII collagen is a key player in tooth enamel formation".PMID 19036806
  75. Dandan Jin et al. (2009). "Leptospira interrogans induces apoptosis in macrophages via caspase-8- and caspase-3-dependent pathways".PMID 19029301