同义词: hematoxylin, Mayer’s hematoxylin, Harris' hematoxylin, Mayer hematoxylin, harris hematoxylin, hematoxylin and eosin, haematoxylin, Gill’s hematoxylin, Gill's hematoxylin, Ehlich's hematoxylin and eosin, modified Gill haematoxylin, Mayer's hematoxylin

为了研究牙龈卟啉单胞菌所致牙周炎中基质金属蛋白酶8的作用,在免疫染色试验中使用了Merck KGaA的Mayer's hematoxylin复染样品。至该文献
为了研究mir-17-92 polycistronic oncomir对致癌基因依赖的细胞凋亡的促进作用,采用了Fisher公司的hematoxylin进行组织染色。至该文献
为了研究血脑屏障的完整性和中枢神经免疫沉默能够被Shh信号通路促进,采用Sigma的Harris hematoxylin进行免疫组织化学实验。至该文献
Vector Laboratories
为研究小鼠小肠中Cd1d依赖性的细菌定植调节机制,使用了Vector Laboratories公司的苏木精来进行染色。至该文献
为了找出激活的PIK3CA的表达对机体的影响,研究中使用了Vector公司的Gill's 苏木精来进行免疫染色。至该文献
  1. Virginie Olive et al. (2013). "A component of the mir-17-92 polycistronic oncomir promotes oncogene-dependent apoptosis".PMID 24137534
  2. Shentong Fang et al. (2012). "Generation of functional blood vessels from a single c-kit+ adult vascular endothelial stem cell".PMID 23091420
  3. Jorge Ivan Alvarez et al. (2011). "The Hedgehog pathway promotes blood-brain barrier integrity and CNS immune quiescence".PMID 22144466
  4. Christian Goritz et al. (2011). "A pericyte origin of spinal cord scar tissue".PMID 21737741
  5. Fei Wang et al. (2010). "Generating a prion with bacterially expressed recombinant prion protein".PMID 20110469
  6. Edward E S Nieuwenhuis et al. (2009). "Cd1d-dependent regulation of bacterial colonization in the intestine of mice".PMID 19349688
  7. Young Eun Joo et al. (2009). "Tomato lycopene extract prevents lipopolysaccharide-induced NF-kappaB signaling but worsens dextran sulfate sodium-induced colitis in NF-kappaBEGFP mice".PMID 19234608
  8. Angelika Goncalves Dasilva et al. (2009). "Matrix metalloproteinase-12 deficiency worsens relapsing-remitting experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis in association with cytokine and chemokine dysregulation".PMID 19218336
  9. Shun Liang et al. (2009). "Expression of activated PIK3CA in ovarian surface epithelium results in hyperplasia but not tumor formation".PMID 19172191
  10. Jun Chen et al. (2009). "Adoptive transfer of syngeneic bone marrow-derived cells in mice with obesity-induced diabetes: selenoorganic antioxidant ebselen restores stem cell competence".PMID 19147816
  11. Lillian Maggio-Price et al. (2009). "Bacterial infection of Smad3/Rag2 double-null mice with transforming growth factor-beta dysregulation as a model for studying inflammation-associated colon cancer".PMID 19119184
  12. Heidi Kuula et al. (2009). "Local and systemic responses in matrix metalloproteinase 8-deficient mice during Porphyromonas gingivalis-induced periodontitis".PMID 19029300