同义词: horseradish peroxidase, horseradish peroxidase-conjugated extravidin

为了研究蚊子体内的抗疟原虫免疫是由过氧化物酶/NOX5系统依赖的上皮硝化所介导,采用了Invitrogen的horseradish peroxidase进行硝化实验。至该文献
为证实MMTV-Wnt1和-ΔN89β环素蛋白可以引起乳腺肿瘤中不同的Hh信号途径,使用了Fisher Scientific公司的辣根过氧化素酶来进行免疫组化分析。至该文献
为了找出激活的PIK3CA的表达对机体的影响,研究中使用了Cell Signaling公司的辣根过氧化物酶来进行蛋白印迹实验。至该文献
为了研究AtCERK1能够通过几丁质诱导的二聚化激活,采用了Sigma的horseradish peroxidase进行活性氧检测实验。至该文献
为了研究植物的天然免疫能被FLS2泛素化抑制,采用Sigma的horseradish peroxidase以10 ug/ml浓度进行ROS生成检测实验。至该文献
Jackson ImmunoResearch Laboratories
为了说明在骨消化破骨细胞过程中,Src依赖抑制ARF6对维持足体丰富的密封区域是必须的,采用了Jackson Immuno Research的辣根过氧化物酶和二抗结合进行免疫印迹反应。至该文献
GE Healthcare Life Biosciences
为了研究ENT3缺失时会破坏溶酶体的功能和巨噬细胞稳态,采用GE Healthcare的streptavidin-horse radish peroxidase进行细胞因子分析实验。至该文献
  1. Céline Delloye-Bourgeois et al. (2013). "Sonic Hedgehog promotes tumor cell survival by inhibiting CDON pro-apoptotic activity".PMID 23940460
  2. Tingting Liu et al. (2012). "Chitin-induced dimerization activates a plant immune receptor".PMID 22654057
  3. Marie France Langelier et al. (2012). "Structural basis for DNA damage-dependent poly(ADP-ribosyl)ation by human PARP-1".PMID 22582261
  4. Giselle de Almeida Oliveira et al. (2012). "Epithelial nitration by a peroxidase/NOX5 system mediates mosquito antiplasmodial immunity".PMID 22282475
  5. Chia Lin Hsu et al. (2012). "Equilibrative nucleoside transporter 3 deficiency perturbs lysosome function and macrophage homeostasis".PMID 22174130
  6. Dongping Lu et al. (2011). "Direct ubiquitination of pattern recognition receptor FLS2 attenuates plant innate immunity".PMID 21680842
  7. Brigitte Teissedre et al. (2009). "MMTV-Wnt1 and -DeltaN89beta-catenin induce canonical signaling in distinct progenitors and differentially activate Hedgehog signaling within mammary tumors".PMID 19225568
  8. Shun Liang et al. (2009). "Expression of activated PIK3CA in ovarian surface epithelium results in hyperplasia but not tumor formation".PMID 19172191
  9. Tobias Heckel et al. (2009). "Src-dependent repression of ARF6 is required to maintain podosome-rich sealing zones in bone-digesting osteoclasts".PMID 19164586
  10. Nicolas Lapaque et al. (2009). "The HLA-DRalpha chain is modified by polyubiquitination".PMID 19117940
  11. Rafijul Bari et al. (2009). "Transmembrane interactions are needed for KAI1/CD82-mediated suppression of cancer invasion and metastasis".PMID 19116362