这是一篇有关imagers, scanners的综述,是根据84篇发表使用实验的文章归纳的。这综述旨在帮助来邦网的访客找到最适合imagers, scanners。
使用Beckton Dickinson BD Pathway 855生物成像仪分析生长细胞的情况,来证明ATM在肿瘤易感性或p53基因依赖的抑制肿瘤发生中有作用。至该文献
LI-COR Biosciences
为了研究线粒体UPR活化受ATFS-1输入效率调控,采用了Li-Cor Biosciences的Odyssey Infrared Imager进行蛋白印迹实验。至该文献
为了研究不同生物体中Mp1与Mp2对丙酮酸摄取至关重要,采用了Licor Biosciences的Odyssey imager进行蛋白印迹实验。至该文献
为了研究AMPK能够被水杨酸直接激活,采用了LiCor Biosciences的Li-Cor Odyssey IR imager进行蛋白印迹实验。至该文献
为了研究ESCRT-III调控Aurora B介导的细胞脱落,采用了Licor Biosciences的Odyssey infrared scanner进行蛋白印迹实验。至该文献
为了研究酵母可以用来模仿Abeta的毒性以筛选可能的修饰基因,采用Licor的Odyssey Scanner进行蛋白印迹实验。至该文献
为了研究5mC能够被Tet蛋白转变为5fC和5caC,采用LI-COR的Odyssey infrared imager进行DNA成像实验。至该文献
为了以鼠肌肉细胞为模型研究II型糖原累积病的治疗方法,使用了LI-COR Biosciences公司的infrared imager来进行蛋白印迹杂交。至该文献
为了定位在钾离子通道中的KCNE1和KCNQ1,采用了Licor的Odyssey Infrared Imager进行免疫印迹实验的荧光信号的检测。至该文献
为了研究朊病毒在神经以外的组织中进行跨物种传播更快,采用了Syngene的GeneGnome digital imager进行蛋白印迹实验。至该文献
为了研究SGN3突变在植物营养均衡过程中的作用,采用了Affymetrix公司的GeneChip Scanner 3000(基因芯片扫描仪3000),进行表达分析实验。至该文献
为了研究特定转录因子在西红柿果实中的表达及其对果实质量的影响,采用了Affymetrix的GeneChip Fluidics Station进行基因微芯片实验。至该文献
为了研究线粒体UPR活化受ATFS-1输入效率调控,采用了Affymetrix的GeneChip Array Scanner进行芯片分析实验。至该文献
为了研究卵细胞产生过程受MARF1调控,采用了Affymetrix的GeneChip3000 laser confocal slide scanner进行芯片分析实验。至该文献
为了研究即刻早期反应基因表达调控因MED23突变而被破坏并导致智力障碍,采用Affymetrix的GeneChip Fluidics Station 450进行基因表达谱实验。至该文献
为了研究肝脂代谢受HDAC3的调节主要依赖于HDAC3与基因组结合的昼夜节律式的变化,采用Affymetrix的GCS3000 laser scanner进行microarray实验。至该文献
为了研究转基因表达NPC1对改善肌肉萎缩的影响,使用了Enzo Diagnostics公司的GeneChip Fluidics Station 400来标记单链生物素标记的cRNA。至该文献
Molecular Devices
为了研究荚膜组织胞浆菌温度响应性毒力变化的机制,Molecular Devices的GenePix 4000B扫描仪被用于进行微阵列分析。至该文献
为了研究U6atac snRNA的功能属性,Molecular Devices的GenePix 4000b扫描仪被用于进行微阵列分析。至该文献
为了研究BAP1突变能导致骨髓转化,采用了Molecular Devices的Molecular Dynamics Axon 4100A scanner进行基因芯片实验。至该文献
为了研究拟南芥中DNA去甲基化可被IDM1调控,采用了Molecular Devices的GenePix 4000 scanner进行肽芯片实验。至该文献
为了研究蜜蜂猎奇行为的分子机制,采用了Axon的4000B scanner进行基因芯片实验。至该文献
为了研究BRCT磷酸化蛋白结合域对BRCA1的肿瘤抑制功能至关重要,采用Molecular Devices的Axon GenePix4000B scanner进行CGH芯片实验。至该文献
Agilent Technologies
为了研究发光杆菌科通过单启动子倒置实现致病与共生两种状态的转换,采用了Agilent Technologies的G2505B array scanner进行基因芯片实验至该文献
为了研究兼性异染色质的形成能被mRNA加工因子参与的mRNA降解促进,采用Agilent的G2505B scanner进行ChIP实验。至该文献
为了研究小鼠中器官的正常发育需要B型的核纤层蛋白的功能,采用Agilent的DNA Microarray Scanner进行基因表达分析实验。至该文献
为了研究出芽酵母中染色体非整倍性会引起基因组不稳定性,采用Agilent的Microarray scanner进行DNA芯片实验。至该文献
为了研究Dicer对胰脏的调控作用,使用了Agilent公司的DNA 芯片扫描仪来进行芯片分析。至该文献
GE Healthcare Life Biosciences显示:30; 总数:38
为了研究线虫中机体死亡的分子机制,GE Healthcare的ImageQuant TL被用于进行蛋白质免疫印迹实验。至该文献
为了在裂殖酵母中研究Erf2对蛋白棕榈酰化及进入减数分裂的调控作用,GE Healthcare的Typhoon 9400可变模式成像仪被用于进行蛋白质免疫印迹实验。至该文献
为了研究PI3K gamma的激活机制,GE Healthcare的Typhoon 9400磷屏成像仪被用于进行体外激酶测试。至该文献
为了研究记忆巩固的分子机制,GE Healthcare的Typhoon 9400可变模式成像仪被用于进行蛋白定量实验。至该文献
为了研究alpha-synuclein在诱导突触囊泡类似物聚集中的作用,采用了GE Healthcare的Typhoon扫描仪进行蛋白免疫印迹实验。至该文献
为了研究拟南芥中控制生物钟的激活蛋白质,采用了Molecular Dynamics的Storm PhosphorImager进行凝胶照相。至该文献
为了研究RanBP2/Nup358促使的分泌蛋白的翻译,采用了GE Healthcare公司的Typhoon phosphorimager进行凝胶可视化实验。至该文献
为了研究人中缺失ISG15损害IFN-gamma免疫并导致分支杆菌易感,采用了Amersham Bioscience的ImageQuant进行EMSA实验。至该文献
为了研究蛋白可以CUG为起始密码子进行翻译以为MHC class I提供所需肽段,采用了Molecular Dynamics的Storm PhosphoImager进行胶成像实验。至该文献
为了研究宿主对A型流感病毒的应答受新蛋白PA-X调控,采用了GE Healthcare的Typhoon PhosphorImager进行体外移码实验。至该文献
为了研究双链RNA可被特定内切酶用于指引DNA切割,采用了GE Healthcare的Storm PhosphoImager进行DNA切割实验。至该文献
为了研究线虫中piRNAs的特性,采用了GE Healthcare的phosphoimager进行RNA印迹实验。至该文献
为了研究合成的遗传聚合物的信息存储能力,GE Healthcare的Typhoon TrioTM扫描仪被用于DNA定量。至该文献
为了研究细菌抗生素能通过鸟嘌呤核苷酸氧化诱发细胞死亡,采用了GE Healthcare的Typhoon Imager进行引物延伸分析实验。至该文献
为了研究对药物的渴求能通过特定的记忆处理方式抑制,采用了GE Healthcare的Typhoon 9410 Gel and Blot Imager进行DNA分析实验。至该文献
为了研究ESCRT-III调控Aurora B介导的细胞脱落,采用了GE Healthcare的ImageQuant LAS 4000进行蛋白印迹实验。至该文献
为了研究ER蛋白转运需要Sec13p介导的COPII膜的刚性,采用了GE Healthcare的Storm scanner进行蛋白检测实验。至该文献
为了研究极地八爪鱼对温度的适应需要对K+通道进行RNA编辑,采用了GE Healthcare Life Sciences的Typhoon 9200 fluorescence imager进行引物延伸实验。至该文献
为了研究许多细菌和古细菌中存在氟核糖开关以抵御氟毒性,采用Molecular Dynamics的PhosphorImager进行串联标记实验。至该文献
为了研究Sirt5能够逆转蛋白质赖氨酸的琥珀酰化和丙二酰化,采用GE Healthcare的STORM860 phosphorimager进行32P-NAD实验。至该文献
为了研究匀质超低分子量的肝素能够通过化学酶方法合成,采用Amersham Biosciences的Storm 860 PhosphoImager进行同位素成像实验。至该文献
为了研究Ubc12的N末端乙酰化对它与Dcn1的相互作用至关重要,采用GE的Storm Phosphorimager进行蛋白乙酰化检测实验。至该文献
为了研究细菌中H-NS能够促进染色体的结构改变,采用Amersham Biosciences的Typhoon TRIO Scanner进行蛋白印迹实验。至该文献
为了研究出芽酵母中染色体非整倍性会引起基因组不稳定性,采用GE的ImageQuant LAS 4000进行DNA凝胶成像实验。至该文献
为了研究神经突触投射能够被软骨酸性蛋白1B通过抑制NgR1来调控,采用GE Healthcare的ImageQuant-400进行蛋白印迹实验。至该文献
为了研究酵母中衰老引起的细胞损伤能够在配子形成过程中被清除,采用Molecular Dynamics的Phosphor Imager进行DNA印迹实验。至该文献
为了研究一种能够合成RNA的核酶的进化过程,采用GE Healthcare的Typhoon Trio扫描仪进行聚合作用分析。至该文献
为了研究剪接体复合物的组装是一个动态有序的过程,采用GE Helathsciences的Typhoon imager进行SNAP观察实验。至该文献
为了证明dFmr1(果蝇同源脆性X染色体智能障碍基因1)在果蝇卵巢中在正确保持生殖干细胞中起作用,采用Amersham Biosciences公司Typhoon 9200 PhosphorImager,进行RNA印迹实验。至该文献
为了研究骨骼肌分化后XIAP对细胞凋亡所起的限制作用,使用了Amersham Biosciences公司的Typhoon scanner来扫描凝胶中的核酸条带。至该文献
为了研究快速高剂量的一次阿片注射可以用以清除脊髓疼痛记忆,采用了Bio-Rad的Fluor-S MultiImager进行蛋白印迹实验。至该文献
为了说明巨噬细胞CD74有助于引起由MIF诱导的肺炎,使用了伯乐公司的Gel Doc 2000 Chemi Doc scanner来对条带进行定量。至该文献
为了研究脱镁叶绿酸水解酶和叶片衰老和叶绿素分解相关,采用了Bio-Rad公司的phosphor imager,进行所有样品的SDS凝胶磷光成像至该文献
Hitachi High Technologies America
为了研究神经性炎症会被内源大麻水解产生的前列腺素所促进,采用Hitachi的FMBio IIe flatbed fluorescent scanner进行活性依赖的蛋白质分析实验。至该文献
为了研究人类大脑对工具使用的调节,Siemens的3-Tesla TIM MAGNETOM Trio核磁共振成像扫描仪被用于进行磁共振成像实验。至该文献
为了研究大象发声机制与人类似而非与猫类似,采用了Siemens AG的Somatom Emotion multislice scanner进行CT扫描实验。至该文献
为了分析coronin 1 依赖的cAMP/PKA信号通路激活的分子机制,采用Fuji公司的 增强化学发光成像仪分析western blot中的蛋白质的相对量。至该文献
为了研究SnRK2-PP2C相互作用的结构与ABA受体与PP2C结合的结构非常类似,采用Fuji的FLA-5000 phosphor imager进行放射自显影实验。至该文献
为了研究alpha2A肾上腺素受体与2型糖尿病之间的联系,使用了FujiFilm公司的LAS300 Intelligent暗箱扫描仪来进行蛋白印迹分析中印迹的扫描。至该文献
Roche Applied Science
为了研究6磷酸甘露糖或类胰岛素生长因子2受体对细胞入侵的抑制作用,Roche Diagnostics公司发光成像仪组成观测蛋白的ECL系统 。至该文献
Carl Zeiss
为了研究核糖体终止信使RNA翻译的机制,Carl Zeiss的成像扫描仪被用于进行电镜实验。至该文献
为了研究植物中的自然变异能通过染色体沉默的调控来诱导,采用了Perkin Elmer的CCD imager进行细胞成像实验。至该文献
为了研究HIV的糖基化外膜能够被PGT抗体识别从而中和HIV病毒,采用PerkinElmer的ProScanArrayHT confocal slide scanner进行抗体与高甘露糖芯片结合实验。至该文献
  1. Alexandre Pfister et al. (2014). "A receptor-like kinase mutant with absent endodermal diffusion barrier displays selective nutrient homeostasis defects".PMID 25233277
  2. Rajesh Jayachandran et al. (2014). "Coronin 1 regulates cognition and behavior through modulation of cAMP/protein kinase A signaling".PMID 24667537
  3. Maisam Makarem et al. (2013). "Developmental changes in the in vitro activated regenerative activity of primitive mammary epithelial cells".PMID 23966837
  4. Sinem Beyhan et al. (2013). "A temperature-responsive network links cell shape and virulence traits in a primary fungal pathogen".PMID 23935449
  5. Cassandra Coburn et al. (2013). "Anthranilate fluorescence marks a calcium-propagated necrotic wave that promotes organismal death in C. elegans".PMID 23935448
  6. Ihab Younis et al. (2013). "Minor introns are embedded molecular switches regulated by highly unstable U6atac snRNA".PMID 23908766
  7. Mingzi M Zhang et al. (2013). "Quantitative control of protein S-palmitoylation regulates meiotic entry in fission yeast".PMID 23843742
  8. Romy Walser et al. (2013). "PKCβ phosphorylates PI3Kγ to activate it and release it from GPCR control".PMID 23824069
  9. Katherine Noelani Chang et al. (2013). "Temporal transcriptional response to ethylene gas drives growth hormone cross-regulation in Arabidopsis".PMID 23795294
  10. Dawn A Thompson et al. (2013). "Evolutionary principles of modular gene regulation in yeasts".PMID 23795289
  11. Jesper Pallesen et al. (2013). "Cryo-EM visualization of the ribosome in termination complex with apo-RF3 and RF1".PMID 23755360
  12. Carmela Sidrauski et al. (2013). "Pharmacological brake-release of mRNA translation enhances cognitive memory".PMID 23741617
  13. Jason P Gallivan et al. (2013). "Decoding the neural mechanisms of human tool use".PMID 23741616
  14. Jiajie Diao et al. (2013). "Native α-synuclein induces clustering of synaptic-vesicle mimics via binding to phospholipids and synaptobrevin-2/VAMP2".PMID 23638301
  15. Polly Yingshan Hsu et al. (2013). "Accurate timekeeping is controlled by a cycling activator in Arabidopsis".PMID 23638299
  16. Kohila Mahadevan et al. (2013). "RanBP2/Nup358 potentiates the translation of a subset of mRNAs encoding secretory proteins".PMID 23630457
  17. Anwesha Dey et al. (2012). "Loss of the tumor suppressor BAP1 causes myeloid transformation".PMID 22878500
  18. Dusan Bogunovic et al. (2012). "Mycobacterial disease and impaired IFN-γ immunity in humans with inherited ISG15 deficiency".PMID 22859821
  19. Christian T Herbst et al. (2012). "How low can you go? Physical production mechanism of elephant infrasonic vocalizations".PMID 22859490
  20. Tsuyoshi Hirota et al. (2012). "Identification of small molecule activators of cryptochrome".PMID 22798407
  21. Vishal S Somvanshi et al. (2012). "A single promoter inversion switches Photorhabdus between pathogenic and mutualistic states".PMID 22767929
  22. Shelley R Starck et al. (2012). "Leucine-tRNA initiates at CUG start codons for protein synthesis and presentation by MHC class I".PMID 22745432
  23. Ann L T Powell et al. (2012). "Uniform ripening encodes a Golden 2-like transcription factor regulating tomato fruit chloroplast development".PMID 22745430
  24. B W Jagger et al. (2012). "An overlapping protein-coding region in influenza A virus segment 3 modulates the host response".PMID 22745253
  25. Martin Jinek et al. (2012). "A programmable dual-RNA-guided DNA endonuclease in adaptive bacterial immunity".PMID 22745249
  26. Weiqiang Qian et al. (2012). "A histone acetyltransferase regulates active DNA demethylation in Arabidopsis".PMID 22700931
  27. Amrita M Nargund et al. (2012). "Mitochondrial import efficiency of ATFS-1 regulates mitochondrial UPR activation".PMID 22700657
  28. Marloes P Bagijn et al. (2012). "Function, targets, and evolution of Caenorhabditis elegans piRNAs".PMID 22700655
  29. Daniel K Bricker et al. (2012). "A mitochondrial pyruvate carrier required for pyruvate uptake in yeast, Drosophila, and humans".PMID 22628558
  30. Andrés Garelli et al. (2012). "Imaginal discs secrete insulin-like peptide 8 to mediate plasticity of growth and maturation".PMID 22556250
  31. Vitor B Pinheiro et al. (2012). "Synthetic genetic polymers capable of heredity and evolution".PMID 22517858
  32. James J Foti et al. (2012). "Oxidation of the guanine nucleotide pool underlies cell death by bactericidal antibiotics".PMID 22517853
  33. Simon A Hawley et al. (2012). "The ancient drug salicylate directly activates AMP-activated protein kinase".PMID 22517326
  34. Sergej Djuranovic et al. (2012). "miRNA-mediated gene silencing by translational repression followed by mRNA deadenylation and decay".PMID 22499947
  35. You Qiang Su et al. (2012). "MARF1 regulates essential oogenic processes in mice".PMID 22442484
  36. Jeremy G Carlton et al. (2012). "ESCRT-III governs the Aurora B-mediated abscission checkpoint through CHMP4C".PMID 22422861
  37. Zhengzheng S Liang et al. (2012). "Molecular determinants of scouting behavior in honey bees".PMID 22403390
  38. Alenka Copic et al. (2012). "ER cargo properties specify a requirement for COPII coat rigidity mediated by Sec13p".PMID 22300850
  39. Vincent Beringue et al. (2012). "Facilitated cross-species transmission of prions in extraneural tissue".PMID 22282814
  40. Ruth Drdla-Schutting et al. (2012). "Erasure of a spinal memory trace of pain by a brief, high-dose opioid administration".PMID 22246779
  41. Sandra Garrett et al. (2012). "RNA editing underlies temperature adaptation in K+ channels from polar octopuses".PMID 22223739
  42. Jenny L Baker et al. (2012). "Widespread genetic switches and toxicity resistance proteins for fluoride".PMID 22194412
  43. Martin Zofall et al. (2012). "RNA elimination machinery targeting meiotic mRNAs promotes facultative heterochromatin formation".PMID 22144463
  44. Youngjo Kim et al. (2011). "Mouse B-type lamins are required for proper organogenesis but not by embryonic stem cells".PMID 22116031
  45. Fen Fen Soon et al. (2012). "Molecular mimicry regulates ABA signaling by SnRK2 kinases and PP2C phosphatases".PMID 22116026
  46. Jintang Du et al. (2011). "Sirt5 is a NAD-dependent protein lysine demalonylase and desuccinylase".PMID 22076378
  47. Reena Shakya et al. (2011). "BRCA1 tumor suppression depends on BRCT phosphoprotein binding, but not its E3 ligase activity".PMID 22034435
  48. Yongmei Xu et al. (2011). "Chemoenzymatic synthesis of homogeneous ultralow molecular weight heparins".PMID 22034431
  49. Sebastian Treusch et al. (2011). "Functional links between Aβ toxicity, endocytic trafficking, and Alzheimer's disease risk factors in yeast".PMID 22033521
  50. Daniel K Nomura et al. (2011). "Endocannabinoid hydrolysis generates brain prostaglandins that promote neuroinflammation".PMID 22021672
  51. Robert Pejchal et al. (2011). "A potent and broad neutralizing antibody recognizes and penetrates the HIV glycan shield".PMID 21998254
  52. Daniel C Scott et al. (2011). "N-terminal acetylation acts as an avidity enhancer within an interconnected multiprotein complex".PMID 21940857
  53. Wenqin Wang et al. (2011). "Chromosome organization by a nucleoid-associated protein in live bacteria".PMID 21903814
  54. Satoru Hashimoto et al. (2011). "MED23 mutation links intellectual disability to dysregulation of immediate early gene expression".PMID 21868677
  55. Jason M Sheltzer et al. (2011). "Aneuploidy drives genomic instability in yeast".PMID 21852501
  56. Yasufumi Sato et al. (2011). "Cartilage acidic protein-1B (LOTUS), an endogenous Nogo receptor antagonist for axon tract formation".PMID 21817055
  57. Shinsuke Ito et al. (2011). "Tet proteins can convert 5-methylcytosine to 5-formylcytosine and 5-carboxylcytosine".PMID 21778364
  58. Woo Joo et al. (2011). "Structure of the FANCI-FANCD2 complex: insights into the Fanconi anemia DNA repair pathway".PMID 21764741
  59. Jamie M Keck et al. (2011). "A cell cycle phosphoproteome of the yeast centrosome".PMID 21700874
  60. Elcin Unal et al. (2011). "Gametogenesis eliminates age-induced cellular damage and resets life span in yeast".PMID 21700873
  61. Zhenhai Zhang et al. (2011). "A packing mechanism for nucleosome organization reconstituted across a eukaryotic genome".PMID 21596991
  62. Aniela Wochner et al. (2011). "Ribozyme-catalyzed transcription of an active ribozyme".PMID 21474753
  63. Dan Feng et al. (2011). "A circadian rhythm orchestrated by histone deacetylase 3 controls hepatic lipid metabolism".PMID 21393543
  64. Aaron A Hoskins et al. (2011). "Ordered and dynamic assembly of single spliceosomes".PMID 21393538
  65. Anders H Rosengren et al. (2010). "Overexpression of alpha2A-adrenergic receptors contributes to type 2 diabetes".PMID 19965390
  66. Alejo Efeyan et al. (2009). "Limited role of murine ATM in oncogene-induced senescence and p53-dependent tumor suppression".PMID 19421407
  67. Koichiro Takahashi et al. (2009). "Macrophage CD74 contributes to MIF-induced pulmonary inflammation".PMID 19413900
  68. Yingyue Yang et al. (2009). "The bantam microRNA is associated with drosophila fragile X mental retardation protein and regulates the fate of germline stem cells".PMID 19343200
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