这是一篇有关light source, lamps, lasers的综述,是根据28篇发表使用实验的文章归纳的。这综述旨在帮助来邦网的访客找到最适合light source, lamps, lasers。
Molecular Devices
为了研究极地八爪鱼对温度的适应需要对K+通道进行RNA编辑,采用了Molecular Devices的Axopatch 200B patch clamp进行电压钳实验。至该文献
为了研究受体调控的离子通道被改造出来用于人为操纵神经电活动,采用CrystaLaser的473 nm 激光进行脑片光刺激实验。至该文献
为了研究细菌中H-NS能够促进染色体的结构改变,采用Thorlabs的infrared 830 nm laser进行活细胞成像实验。至该文献
Applied Precision
为了研究酵母的线粒体分裂,Applied Precision的100 W汞灯被用于进行细胞成像实验。至该文献
为了研究类谷氨酸受体通道在花粉管生长及形态发生中的作用,采用Applied Precision的氙弧灯激发青色荧光蛋白和黄色荧光蛋白。至该文献
Spectra Physics
为了研究平面细胞极化对组织形态发生至关重要,采用了Spectra Physics的Ti:Sapphire laser进行junction tension测定实验。至该文献
为了研究抗原呈递能力受B细胞分裂过程中极化抗原的非对称性分离有关,采用了Spectra Physics的pulsed Ti:sapphire laser进行细胞成像实验。至该文献
为了研究病原体诱导的拟南芥的细胞器特异性免疫反应需要ESD1参与连接,采用Spectra-Physics的modelocked Ti:sapphire laser进行FRET-FLIM测定实验。至该文献
为了研究电压敏感的荧光蛋白可用于检测大肠杆菌电脉冲的发生,采用SpectraPhysics的633 nm HeNe laser进行荧光成像实验。至该文献
为了证实表达精氨酸酶1的巨噬细胞对Th2细胞因子引起的炎症和纤维化有抑制作用,使用了Spectra Physics公司的Spectra Physics MaiTai HP laser 来检测胶原蛋白含量。至该文献
Melles Griot
为了研究单个DNA分子环化的特点,采用了Melles Griot的633 nm laser进行FRET实验至该文献
为了研究被动的平流运输队PAR蛋白的极性分布非常重要,采用Melles Griot的488-nm argon laser进行共聚焦成像实验。至该文献
为了研究RNA合成动力学的测定方法,采用Melles Griot的氩离子激光器用于显微镜检。至该文献
为了研究与荧光团结合的RNA适配体能够模拟GFP进行荧光成像实验,采用Nikon的C-HGFIE 130 W mercury lamp进行光漂白实验。至该文献
为了研究电压敏感的荧光蛋白可用于检测大肠杆菌电脉冲的发生,采用Fianium的white light laser进行荧光成像实验。至该文献
Philips Healthcare
为了研究电压敏感的荧光蛋白可用于检测大肠杆菌电脉冲的发生,采用Philips的460-490 nm laser进行荧光成像实验。至该文献
为了研究dynamin 1蛋白对突触囊泡内吞的调节作用,Coherent的488nm 二极管泵浦固体激光器被用于进行细胞成像。至该文献
为了研究鞭毛内运输在衣藻鞭毛表面蠕动中的作用,Coherent的1064 nm激光被用于进行光学俘获测试。至该文献
为了研究单个DNA分子环化的特点,采用了Coherent Inc.的532 nm laser进行FRET实验至该文献
为了研究原肠胚形成时细胞粘附和皮层张力对细胞分选的影响,采用了Coherent的multiphoton laser进行全胚胎活体成像实验。至该文献
为了研究大细菌RNA聚合酶钳结构在基因转录过程中的构象改变,采用了Coherent的green laser进行smFRET实验。至该文献
为了研究活细胞中lac抑制因子利用易化扩散的方式与序列特异性位点结合,采用了Coherent的Innova Ar+ laser进行荧光成像实验。至该文献
为了研究PI4P对细胞膜特性很重要且功能独立于PI(4,5)P2,采用了Coherent的488 nm Sapphire laser进行光漂白实验。至该文献
为了研究胞质中的dynein蛋白运动不需要两个催化头结构域的协作,采用Coherent Inc.的633 nm laser进行头结构域间距离测定实验。至该文献
为了研究细菌中H-NS能够促进染色体的结构改变,采用Coherent的405 nm laser进行活细胞成像实验。至该文献
为了研究特定的肿瘤细胞能够通过人工设计的转录/转录后调控环路来靶向处理,采用Coherent的Innova I70 C Spectrum laser进行流式细胞分选实验。至该文献
为了研究电压敏感的荧光蛋白可用于检测大肠杆菌电脉冲的发生,采用Coherent的532 nm laser进行荧光成像实验。至该文献
为证实prominin1通常标记在那些易于进行肿瘤转化的肠干细胞上,使用了Coherent公司的Ti:sapphire Chameleon Ultra femtosecond-pulsed laser来进行双光子激光扫描显微镜观察。至该文献
  1. Moritz Armbruster et al. (2013). "Dynamin phosphorylation controls optimization of endocytosis for brief action potential bursts".PMID 23908769
  2. Zach Hensel et al. (2013). "Transcription-factor-mediated DNA looping probed by high-resolution, single-molecule imaging in live E. coli cells".PMID 23853547
  3. Sheng Min Shih et al. (2013). "Intraflagellar transport drives flagellar surface motility".PMID 23795295
  4. Andrew Murley et al. (2013). "ER-associated mitochondrial division links the distribution of mitochondria and mitochondrial DNA in yeast".PMID 23682313
  5. Reza Vafabakhsh et al. (2012). "Extreme bendability of DNA less than 100 base pairs long revealed by single-molecule cyclization".PMID 22936778
  6. Jean Léon Maître et al. (2012). "Adhesion functions in cell sorting by mechanically coupling the cortices of adhering cells".PMID 22923438
  7. Anirban Chakraborty et al. (2012). "Opening and closing of the bacterial RNA polymerase clamp".PMID 22859489
  8. Veysel Berk et al. (2012). "Molecular architecture and assembly principles of Vibrio cholerae biofilms".PMID 22798614
  9. Petter Hammar et al. (2012). "The lac repressor displays facilitated diffusion in living cells".PMID 22723426
  10. Gerald R V Hammond et al. (2012). "PI4P and PI(4,5)P2 are essential but independent lipid determinants of membrane identity".PMID 22722250
  11. Floris Bosveld et al. (2012). "Mechanical control of morphogenesis by Fat/Dachsous/Four-jointed planar cell polarity pathway".PMID 22499807
  12. Olivier Thaunat et al. (2012). "Asymmetric segregation of polarized antigen on B cell division shapes presentation capacity".PMID 22282815
  13. Sandra Garrett et al. (2012). "RNA editing underlies temperature adaptation in K+ channels from polar octopuses".PMID 22223739
  14. Katharina Heidrich et al. (2011). "Arabidopsis EDS1 connects pathogen effector recognition to cell compartment-specific immune responses".PMID 22158818
  15. Mark A DeWitt et al. (2012). "Cytoplasmic dynein moves through uncoordinated stepping of the AAA+ ring domains".PMID 22157083
  16. Nathan W Goehring et al. (2011). "Polarization of PAR proteins by advective triggering of a pattern-forming system".PMID 22021673
  17. Connie H Y Wong et al. (2011). "Functional innervation of hepatic iNKT cells is immunosuppressive following stroke".PMID 21921158
  18. Wenqin Wang et al. (2011). "Chromosome organization by a nucleoid-associated protein in live bacteria".PMID 21903814
  19. Zhen Xie et al. (2011). "Multi-input RNAi-based logic circuit for identification of specific cancer cells".PMID 21885784
  20. Christopher J Magnus et al. (2011). "Chemical and genetic engineering of selective ion channel-ligand interactions".PMID 21885782
  21. Jeremy S Paige et al. (2011). "RNA mimics of green fluorescent protein".PMID 21798953
  22. Joel M Kralj et al. (2011). "Electrical spiking in Escherichia coli probed with a fluorescent voltage-indicating protein".PMID 21764748
  23. Daniel R Larson et al. (2011). "Real-time observation of transcription initiation and elongation on an endogenous yeast gene".PMID 21512033
  24. Luca Rizzini et al. (2011). "Perception of UV-B by the Arabidopsis UVR8 protein".PMID 21454788
  25. Erwan Michard et al. (2011). "Glutamate receptor-like genes form Ca2+ channels in pollen tubes and are regulated by pistil D-serine".PMID 21415319
  26. Motoshi Kaya et al. (2010). "Nonlinear elasticity and an 8-nm working stroke of single myosin molecules in myofilaments".PMID 20689017
  27. John T Pesce et al. (2009). "Arginase-1-expressing macrophages suppress Th2 cytokine-driven inflammation and fibrosis".PMID 19360123
  28. Liqin Zhu et al. (2009). "Prominin 1 marks intestinal stem cells that are susceptible to neoplastic transformation".PMID 19092805