同义词: Proteinase K

为了研究斑马鱼中miR430能够抑制蛋白翻译,采用了Invitrogen的Proteinase K进行核糖体图谱分析实验。至该文献
为了研究生物钟基因表达能够被CIRP进行转录后调控,采用了Sigma的proteinase K进行蛋白消化实验。至该文献
为了研究缅甸巨蟒中提取的脂肪酸能够促进心肌的生长,采用Dako的Proteinase K进行BrdU染色实验。至该文献
New England Biolabs
为了研究新月柄杆菌中DidA调控细胞分裂的机制,采用了NEB公司的Proteinase K(蛋白酶K),进行ChIP实验。至该文献
为了说明KSHV被膜蛋白在病毒质粒的细胞转运过程中的重要作用,采用了Qiagen 的DNeasy 组织试剂盒中的蛋白酶K裂解释放病毒DNA至该文献
Roche Applied Science
为了研究信号肽连接药物对融合蛋白转位的抑制作用,采用Roche公司的Proteinase K(蛋白酶K),进行蛋白消化实验。至该文献
为了研究DNA损伤能够被大肠杆菌复制复合体所忍受,采用Roche的Proteinase K进行蛋白质消化实验。至该文献
为了研究氧化应激条件下DNA修复能被SIRT6通过PARP1活化加强,采用Roche的proteinase K进行ChIP实验。至该文献
为了研究果蝇成虫盘中细胞增殖受Dpp蛋白动态变化的影响,采用Roche的Proteinase K以20ug/ml浓度进行原位杂交实验。至该文献
为了研究Cdx家族的活性在胚胎发育中的作用,采用了Roche Diagnostics公司的Proteinase K产品,来进行蛋白酶解实验。至该文献
Wako Chemicals USA
为了研究朊病毒在神经以外的组织中进行跨物种传播更快,采用了Euromedex的proteinase K以200ug/ml浓度进行蛋白提取实验。至该文献
Nacalai Tesque
为了研究RNA长度能够被hnRNP C四聚物识别,采用了Nacalai Tesque的proteinaseK进行免疫沉淀实验。至该文献
  1. Kurt Vermeire et al. (2014). "Signal peptide-binding drug as a selective inhibitor of co-translational protein translocation".PMID 25460167
  2. Joshua W Modell et al. (2014). "A DNA damage-induced, SOS-independent checkpoint regulates cell division in Caulobacter crescentus".PMID 25350732
  3. Mauricio Menacho-Marquez et al. (2013). "The Rho exchange factors Vav2 and Vav3 favor skin tumor initiation and promotion by engaging extracellular signaling loops".PMID 23935450
  4. Bo Wang et al. (2013). "Functional genomic characterization of neoblast-like stem cells in larval Schistosoma mansoni".PMID 23908765
  5. Jörg Morf et al. (2012). "Cold-inducible RNA-binding protein modulates circadian gene expression posttranscriptionally".PMID 22923437
  6. Genjiro Suzuki et al. (2012). "A yeast prion, Mod5, promotes acquired drug resistance and cell survival under environmental stress".PMID 22517861
  7. Asako McCloskey et al. (2012). "hnRNP C tetramer measures RNA length to classify RNA polymerase II transcripts for export".PMID 22461616
  8. Ariel A Bazzini et al. (2012). "Ribosome profiling shows that miR-430 reduces translation before causing mRNA decay in zebrafish".PMID 22422859
  9. Vincent Beringue et al. (2012). "Facilitated cross-species transmission of prions in extraneural tissue".PMID 22282814
  10. Cecilia A Riquelme et al. (2011). "Fatty acids identified in the Burmese python promote beneficial cardiac growth".PMID 22034436
  11. Joseph T P Yeeles et al. (2011). "The Escherichia coli replisome is inherently DNA damage tolerant".PMID 21998391
  12. Zhiyong Mao et al. (2011). "SIRT6 promotes DNA repair under stress by activating PARP1".PMID 21680843
  13. Zhenhai Zhang et al. (2011). "A packing mechanism for nucleosome organization reconstituted across a eukaryotic genome".PMID 21596991
  14. O Wartlick et al. (2011). "Dynamics of Dpp signaling and proliferation control".PMID 21385708
  15. Fei Wang et al. (2010). "Generating a prion with bacterially expressed recombinant prion protein".PMID 20110469
  16. Veronika Auner et al. (2009). "KRAS mutation analysis in ovarian samples using a high sensitivity biochip assay".PMID 19358724
  17. Noëlle Guillon et al. (2009). "The oncogenic EWS-FLI1 protein binds in vivo GGAA microsatellite sequences with potential transcriptional activation function".PMID 19305498
  18. Laura Faas et al. (2009). "Overlapping functions of Cdx1, Cdx2, and Cdx4 in the development of the amphibian Xenopus tropicalis".PMID 19301404
  19. Narayanan Sathish et al. (2009). "Kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpesvirus ORF45 interacts with kinesin-2 transporting viral capsid-tegument complexes along microtubules".PMID 19282970
  20. Michele Zampieri et al. (2009). "Parp1 localizes within the Dnmt1 promoter and protects its unmethylated state by its enzymatic activity".PMID 19262751
  21. Masayo Naito et al. (2009). "Renal ischemia-induced cholesterol loading: transcription factor recruitment and chromatin remodeling along the HMG CoA reductase gene".PMID 19095962
  22. Miyuki Kawase et al. (2009). "Protease-mediated entry via the endosome of human coronavirus 229E".PMID 18971274