为了研究二氢叶酸合成酶的结构特点,采用了Fermentas Life Sciences的yeast inorganic pyrophosphatase进行DHPS酶活实验。至该文献
为了研究匀质超低分子量的肝素能够通过化学酶方法合成,采用Sigma-Aldrich的inorganic pyrophosphatase以0.012 U/uL浓度进行UDP-GlcNTFA制备实验。至该文献
New England Biolabs
为了研究基因表达能够通过模型依赖的RNA元件的构建来调控,采用 New England Biolabs, Inc.的thermostable inorganic pyrophosphatase进行体外转录实验。至该文献
为了研究一种能够合成RNA的核酶的进化过程,采用New England Biolabs的酵母无机焦磷酸酶用于RNA合成。至该文献
Roche Applied Science
为了研究tmRNA-SmpB系统修复停止的核糖体的机制,采用了Roche的inorganic pyrophosphatase进行蛋白结晶实验。至该文献
  1. William S Kruesi et al. (2013). "Condensin controls recruitment of RNA polymerase II to achieve nematode X-chromosome dosage compensation".PMID 23795297
  2. Cajetan Neubauer et al. (2012). "Decoding in the absence of a codon by tmRNA and SmpB in the ribosome".PMID 22422985
  3. Mi Kyung Yun et al. (2012). "Catalysis and sulfa drug resistance in dihydropteroate synthase".PMID 22383850
  4. James M Carothers et al. (2011). "Model-driven engineering of RNA devices to quantitatively program gene expression".PMID 22194579
  5. Yongmei Xu et al. (2011). "Chemoenzymatic synthesis of homogeneous ultralow molecular weight heparins".PMID 22034431
  6. Aniela Wochner et al. (2011). "Ribozyme-catalyzed transcription of an active ribozyme".PMID 21474753