这是一篇有关upright microscope的综述,是根据96篇发表使用实验的文章归纳的。这综述旨在帮助来邦网的访客找到最适合upright microscope。
为研究MID基因对团藻的精子/卵子发育很关键,采用Leica的compound light microscope进行细胞成像实验。至该文献
为了分析成人功能性血管的细胞起源,采用了Leica Microsystems的DM LB显微镜,进行免疫组织化学实验。至该文献
为了研究黄瓜卷须卷曲的机制,采用了Leica的Wild M10 dissecting scope进行纤维成像实验至该文献
为了研究在减数第一次分裂前期中LAB-1蛋白促进姐妹染色单体凝聚的机制,采用了Leica的DM5000 B显微镜,进行免疫组织化学实验。至该文献
为了研究发光杆菌科通过单启动子倒置实现致病与共生两种状态的转换,采用了Leica的phase-contrast compound microscope进行细胞表型测定实验至该文献
为了研究在一种蓝藻中胞内碳酸盐的形成,Leica的DM6000B LT被用于显微观察。至该文献
为了研究PSC蛋白能够直接调控细胞周期循环,采用了Leica的DM6000 microscope进行免疫组化实验。至该文献
为了研究早期的生长模式及器官极性对树叶形状的形成至关重要,采用了Leica的DM 6000 compound microscope进行细胞成像实验。至该文献
为了研究血脑屏障的完整性和中枢神经免疫沉默能够被Shh信号通路促进,采用Leica Microsystems的DM6000 microscope进行免疫组织化学实验。至该文献
为了通过基因组分析研究澳洲土著源自早期进入东亚的人种而与现代亚洲人的祖先不同,采用Leica的compound microscope进行显微透射成像实验。至该文献
为了研究根毛生长需要细胞壁蛋白发生特定的O糖基化,采用Leica的DM5000 microscope进行荧光成像实验。至该文献
为了揭示蝰毒素如何促进感染,采用Leica的DMI 4000B显微镜采集图像。至该文献
为证实p53的缺失会导致缺乏p21的间质干细胞的肿瘤发生,使用了Leica公司的DM 5500B显微镜来观察分裂中期细胞。至该文献
为研究snail1在成骨细胞分化过程中对骨聚集所起的控制作用,使用了Leica公司的DMLB 显微镜来进行组织形态分析。至该文献
为了表明Bmi1基因对神经元的氧化代谢机制所起的调控作用与p53的表达抑制相关联,使用了Leica Microsystems公司的Leica DMRE荧光显微镜来观察免疫组化的结果。至该文献
用Deerfield的Leica upright microscope检测盖玻片,以此来研究EGFR和ADAMs协同调节桥粒钙粘蛋白家族的桥粒芯蛋白2的脱落和胞饮运输的机制至该文献
为了证明CPEB1在Crm1核仁小体中聚集,采用了Leica公司DMR microscope产品,来捕获图像。至该文献
为了研究CNS突触形成和修复受星形胶质细胞区域特异性分布的调节,采用了Nikon的Eclipse 600 microscope进行荧光成像实验。至该文献
为了研究果蝇中运动辨别力可通过不同光受体的信号输入加以提升,采用了Nikon的Diaphot microscope进行全细胞光受体记录实验。至该文献
为了研究神经元对地球磁场的反应,Nikon的Eclipse 600显微镜被用于免疫组化实验。至该文献
为了研究韧皮运输需要SWEET蛋白介导的糖外流,采用Nikon的compound microscope进行荧光成像实验。至该文献
为了研究物理化学损伤能够通过NKG2D激活TH2细胞来诱导特异性反应,采用Nikon的Microphot-sa microscope进行免疫组织化学实验。至该文献
为了研究脊髓损伤后形成的疤痕来自于外周细胞,采用Nikon的Eclipse E1000K light microscope进行H&E染色实验。至该文献
为了研究躯干-肢体细分化依赖于扩散性信号因子,采用Nikon的Eclipse 90i显微镜进行图像分析实验。至该文献
为了研究Hippo信号通路在调控哺乳动物心脏大小中的作用,采用Nikon的Eclipse 80i立式显微镜进行形态测定分析。至该文献
为了研究二型血管紧张素II在马凡综合症小鼠异常生长和主动脉破裂中的作用,采用Nikon的Eclipse E400显微镜采集图像。至该文献
为了研究转化生长因子beta信号在马凡综合症小鼠主动脉疾病中的作用,采用Nikon的Eclipse E400显微镜用于组织学分析。至该文献
为了研究果蝇成虫盘中细胞增殖受Dpp蛋白动态变化的影响,采用Nikon的Eclipse 80i microscope with a CCD camera进行原位杂交实验。至该文献
为了研究肿瘤细胞中PI3K途径的激活机制,使用了尼康公司的Eclipse 80i显微镜来进行图像分析。至该文献
为了说明在慢性肾病中组织蛋白酶S诱导的弹性组织离解促进了动脉和主动脉瓣钙化,使用了尼康公司的落射荧光显微镜Eclipse 80i采集图像。至该文献
为了证实Bcl-XL对神经元中线粒体的分裂增殖,融合,以及数量有影响,使用了Nikon公司的Eclipse E800显微镜来进行观察。至该文献
为了证实组成型JAK3的激活对老鼠淋巴细胞增生疾病的促进作用,研究中使用了Nikon公司Eclipse E400 microscope 来对免疫组化分析结果进行观察。至该文献
为说明Mcl-1对粒细胞发育及巨噬细胞效应器发挥功能所起的重要作用,使用了Nikon公司的Eclipse E600显微镜来进行显微摄影。至该文献
为了研究结肠炎能够改变肠道微生物群落以诱发肿瘤,采用了Olympus的CX41 light microscope进行免疫组化实验。至该文献
为了研究是否脊髓的敏化机制可通过增强的前突触钙通道的α2δ1表达来调解神经性疼痛,用 Olympus Optical公司的红外线微分干涉相差显微镜来测量神经细胞的厚度。至该文献
Carl Zeiss显示:30; 总数:50
为了研究条纹蛋白对Notch配体识别信号状态的顺反作用的调控,采用了Zeiss公司的Axioplan 2 microscope(Axioplan 2显微镜),进行影像实验。至该文献
为了研究Etv2在血管发育中的作用,Zeiss的Axioskop 2 plus显微镜被用于进行免疫组化实验。至该文献
为了在裂殖酵母中研究Erf2对蛋白棕榈酰化及进入减数分裂的调控作用,Carl Zeiss的Axioplan 2显微镜被用于进行细胞成像。至该文献
为了研究大鼠记忆过程中所涉及到的通路,Zeiss的Axiostar Plus显微镜被用于进行组织学实验。至该文献
为了研究VAL-和TMT-视蛋白在??鱼和斑马鱼的神经元光感受过程中的作用,Zeiss的Axioplan 2显微镜被用于进行整体原位杂交实验。至该文献
为了研究在生殖细胞发育过程中减数第一次分裂染色体分离模式的机制,采用了Zeiss的Axioplan 2显微镜,进行细胞成像实验。至该文献
为了研究FtsZ怎样在促进细胞质分裂中发挥作用,采用了Carl Zeiss的Zeiss Axioplan 2显微镜进行免疫荧光实验。至该文献
为了研究背主动脉对交感-肾上腺信号特化至关重要,采用了Carl Zeiss的AxioPlanII microscope进行成像实验。至该文献
为了研究不同生物体中Mp1与Mp2对丙酮酸摄取至关重要,采用了Zeiss的Axioplan 2 Imaging microscope进行细胞成像实验。至该文献
为了研究流经TRPV4阳离子通道的钙流量对血管功能的调节作用,Zeiss的Axioplan II显微镜被用于进行免疫细胞化学实验。至该文献
为了研究在一种蓝藻中胞内碳酸盐的形成,Zeiss的Axioplan 2光学显微镜被用于显微观察。至该文献
为了研究乙醛酸盐转氨酶及其受体分子的识别机制和其在Ⅰ型原发性高草酸盐尿症中的作用,采用了Zeiss公司的Axioplan 2显微镜,进行细胞成像实验。至该文献
为了研究吞噬体中三磷酸磷脂酰肌醇(PtdIns(3)P)的震荡模式产生机制,采用了Carl Zeiss, Inc.公司的Axionplan 2复显微镜,进行影像实验。至该文献
为了研究PrP抗体注射不会在小鼠海马神经元中诱发凋亡,采用了Carl Zeiss Ltd.的Axioscop 2 MOT microscope进行免疫组化实验。至该文献
为了研究ENT3缺失时会破坏溶酶体的功能和巨噬细胞稳态,采用Zeiss的Axioplan 2 microscope进行免疫细胞化学实验。至该文献
为了研究电突触的强度能够被神经活动性调控,采用Zeiss的AxioSkop 2 FS Plus进行成像实验。至该文献
为了研究出芽酵母中染色体非整倍性会引起基因组不稳定性,采用Zeiss的Axioplan 2 microscope进行活细胞成像实验。至该文献
为了研究器官形态的左右非对称性由平面细胞手性性质决定,采用Carl Zeiss的Axioskop2 plus microscope进行荧光成像实验。至该文献
为了研究脊髓损伤后形成的疤痕来自于外周细胞,采用Zeiss的Axioplan 2显微镜进行免疫组织化学实验。至该文献
为了研究酵母中衰老引起的细胞损伤能够在配子形成过程中被清除,采用Zeiss的Axioplan 2 microscope进行荧光成像实验。至该文献
为了研究ZFNs和TALENs技术能够在不同种类的线虫中实现基因敲除,采用Zeiss的AxioPlan 2 microscope进行突变筛选实验。至该文献
为了研究Hif-alpha/Notch 相互作用对果蝇含晶细胞功能的重要作用,采用了Zeiss 的 Axioskop2 MOT microscope进行原位杂交实验至该文献
  1. Gerlinde Reim et al. (2014). "Protection of Armadillo/β-Catenin by Armless, a Novel Positive Regulator of Wingless Signaling".PMID 25369031
  2. Lauren Lebon et al. (2014). "Fringe proteins modulate Notch-ligand cis and trans interactions to specify signaling states".PMID 25255098
  3. Sa Geng et al. (2014). "Evolution of sexes from an ancestral mating-type specification pathway".PMID 25003332
  4. Lavanya Katikala et al. (2013). "Functional Brachyury binding sites establish a temporal read-out of gene expression in the Ciona notochord".PMID 24204212
  5. Cassandra Coburn et al. (2013). "Anthranilate fluorescence marks a calcium-propagated necrotic wave that promotes organismal death in C. elegans".PMID 23935448
  6. Fergal O'Farrell et al. (2013). "Two-tiered control of epithelial growth and autophagy by the insulin receptor and the ret-like receptor, stitcher".PMID 23935447
  7. Matthew B Veldman et al. (2013). "Transdifferentiation of fast skeletal muscle into functional endothelium in vivo by transcription factor Etv2".PMID 23853546
  8. Mingzi M Zhang et al. (2013). "Quantitative control of protein S-palmitoylation regulates meiotic entry in fission yeast".PMID 23843742
  9. Seralynne D Vann et al. (2013). "Dismantling the Papez circuit for memory in rats".PMID 23805381
  10. Ruth M Fischer et al. (2013). "Co-expression of VAL- and TMT-opsins uncovers ancient photosensory interneurons and motorneurons in the vertebrate brain".PMID 23776409
  11. Huanhu Zhu et al. (2013). "A novel sphingolipid-TORC1 pathway critically promotes postembryonic development in Caenorhabditis elegans".PMID 23705068
  12. Bo Mi Song et al. (2013). "Recognition of familiar food activates feeding via an endocrine serotonin signal in Caenorhabditis elegans".PMID 23390589
  13. Matthew P Miller et al. (2012). "Meiosis I chromosome segregation is established through regulation of microtubule-kinetochore interactions".PMID 23275833
  14. Shentong Fang et al. (2012). "Generation of functional blood vessels from a single c-kit+ adult vascular endothelial stem cell".PMID 23091420
  15. Michael P Strauss et al. (2012). "3D-SIM super resolution microscopy reveals a bead-like arrangement for FtsZ and the division machinery: implications for triggering cytokinesis".PMID 22984350
  16. Sharon J Gerbode et al. (2012). "How the cucumber tendril coils and overwinds".PMID 22936777
  17. Yonatan B Tzur et al. (2012). "LAB-1 targets PP1 and restricts Aurora B kinase upon entrance into meiosis to promote sister chromatid cohesion".PMID 22927794
  18. Janelle C Arthur et al. (2012). "Intestinal inflammation targets cancer-inducing activity of the microbiota".PMID 22903521
  19. Zhitao Hu et al. (2012). "Neurexin and neuroligin mediate retrograde synaptic inhibition in C. elegans".PMID 22859820
  20. Vishal S Somvanshi et al. (2012). "A single promoter inversion switches Photorhabdus between pathogenic and mutualistic states".PMID 22767929
  21. Hui Hsin Tsai et al. (2012). "Regional astrocyte allocation regulates CNS synaptogenesis and repair".PMID 22745251
  22. Daisuke Saito et al. (2012). "The dorsal aorta initiates a molecular cascade that instructs sympatho-adrenal specification".PMID 22723422
  23. Laura B Duvall et al. (2012). "The circadian neuropeptide PDF signals preferentially through a specific adenylate cyclase isoform AC3 in M pacemakers of Drosophila".PMID 22679392
  24. Jeannette M Osterloh et al. (2012). "dSarm/Sarm1 is required for activation of an injury-induced axon death pathway".PMID 22678360
  25. Daniel K Bricker et al. (2012). "A mitochondrial pyruvate carrier required for pyruvate uptake in yeast, Drosophila, and humans".PMID 22628558
  26. Trevor J Wardill et al. (2012). "Multiple spectral inputs improve motion discrimination in the Drosophila visual system".PMID 22605779
  27. Maitreyi Das et al. (2012). "Oscillatory dynamics of Cdc42 GTPase in the control of polarized growth".PMID 22604726
  28. Vincent S Tagliabracci et al. (2012). "Secreted kinase phosphorylates extracellular proteins that regulate biomineralization".PMID 22582013
  29. Melissa Vos et al. (2012). "Vitamin K2 is a mitochondrial electron carrier that rescues pink1 deficiency".PMID 22582012
  30. Sarah A Stanley et al. (2012). "Radio-wave heating of iron oxide nanoparticles can regulate plasma glucose in mice".PMID 22556257
  31. Agnel Sfeir et al. (2012). "Removal of shelterin reveals the telomere end-protection problem".PMID 22556254
  32. Vincent J Denef et al. (2012). "In situ evolutionary rate measurements show ecological success of recently emerged bacterial hybrids".PMID 22539719
  33. Estelle Couradeau et al. (2012). "An early-branching microbialite cyanobacterium forms intracellular carbonates".PMID 22539718
  34. Le Qing Wu et al. (2012). "Neural correlates of a magnetic sense".PMID 22539554
  35. Krisztian Fodor et al. (2012). "Molecular requirements for peroxisomal targeting of alanine-glyoxylate aminotransferase as an essential determinant in primary hyperoxaluria type 1".PMID 22529745
  36. Adone Mohd-Sarip et al. (2012). "Transcription-independent function of Polycomb group protein PSC in cell cycle control".PMID 22491092
  37. Erika E Kuchen et al. (2012). "Generation of leaf shape through early patterns of growth and tissue polarity".PMID 22383846
  38. Nan Lu et al. (2012). "Two PI 3-kinases and one PI 3-phosphatase together establish the cyclic waves of phagosomal PtdIns(3)P critical for the degradation of apoptotic cells".PMID 22272187
  39. Peter Christian Klohn et al. (2012). "PrP antibodies do not trigger mouse hippocampal neuron apoptosis".PMID 22223800
  40. Chia Lin Hsu et al. (2012). "Equilibrative nucleoside transporter 3 deficiency perturbs lysosome function and macrophage homeostasis".PMID 22174130
  41. Li Qing Chen et al. (2012). "Sucrose efflux mediated by SWEET proteins as a key step for phloem transport".PMID 22157085
  42. Jessica Strid et al. (2011). "The intraepithelial T cell response to NKG2D-ligands links lymphoid stress surveillance to atopy".PMID 22144628
  43. Jorge Ivan Alvarez et al. (2011). "The Hedgehog pathway promotes blood-brain barrier integrity and CNS immune quiescence".PMID 22144466
  44. Julie S Haas et al. (2011). "Activity-dependent long-term depression of electrical synapses".PMID 22021860
  45. Morten Rasmussen et al. (2011). "An Aboriginal Australian genome reveals separate human dispersals into Asia".PMID 21940856
  46. Jason M Sheltzer et al. (2011). "Aneuploidy drives genomic instability in yeast".PMID 21852501
  47. Kiichiro Taniguchi et al. (2011). "Chirality in planar cell shape contributes to left-right asymmetric epithelial morphogenesis".PMID 21764746
  48. Christian Goritz et al. (2011). "A pericyte origin of spinal cord scar tissue".PMID 21737741
  49. Elcin Unal et al. (2011). "Gametogenesis eliminates age-induced cellular damage and resets life span in yeast".PMID 21700873
  50. Andrew J Wood et al. (2011). "Targeted genome editing across species using ZFNs and TALENs".PMID 21700836
  51. Silvia M Velasquez et al. (2011). "O-glycosylated cell wall proteins are essential in root hair growth".PMID 21680836
  52. Tina Mukherjee et al. (2011). "Interaction between Notch and Hif-alpha in development and survival of Drosophila blood cells".PMID 21636775
  53. Hsin Hung Chou et al. (2011). "Diminishing returns epistasis among beneficial mutations decelerates adaptation".PMID 21636771
  54. Alberto Roselló-Díez et al. (2011). "Diffusible signals, not autonomous mechanisms, determine the main proximodistal limb subdivision".PMID 21617076
  55. Carmine Settembre et al. (2011). "TFEB links autophagy to lysosomal biogenesis".PMID 21617040
  56. Chris M Cirimotich et al. (2011). "Natural microbe-mediated refractoriness to Plasmodium infection in Anopheles gambiae".PMID 21566196
  57. Jun Young Seo et al. (2011). "Human cytomegalovirus directly induces the antiviral protein viperin to enhance infectivity".PMID 21527675
  58. Todd Heallen et al. (2011). "Hippo pathway inhibits Wnt signaling to restrain cardiomyocyte proliferation and heart size".PMID 21512031
  59. Jennifer P Habashi et al. (2011). "Angiotensin II type 2 receptor signaling attenuates aortic aneurysm in mice through ERK antagonism".PMID 21493863
  60. Tammy M Holm et al. (2011). "Noncanonical TGFβ signaling contributes to aortic aneurysm progression in Marfan syndrome mice".PMID 21493862
  61. Arjèn E Van't Hof et al. (2011). "Industrial melanism in British peppered moths has a singular and recent mutational origin".PMID 21493823
  62. Erwan Michard et al. (2011). "Glutamate receptor-like genes form Ca2+ channels in pollen tubes and are regulated by pistil D-serine".PMID 21415319
  63. O Wartlick et al. (2011). "Dynamics of Dpp signaling and proliferation control".PMID 21385708
  64. Keren Nevo-Dinur et al. (2011). "Translation-independent localization of mRNA in E. coli".PMID 21350180
  65. Ping K Yip et al. (2010). "Cortical overexpression of neuronal calcium sensor-1 induces functional plasticity in spinal cord following unilateral pyramidal tract injury in rat".PMID 20585375
  66. Adriano Flora et al. (2009). "Deletion of Atoh1 disrupts Sonic Hedgehog signaling in the developing cerebellum and prevents medulloblastoma".PMID 19965762
  67. Dion K Dickman et al. (2009). "The schizophrenia susceptibility gene dysbindin controls synaptic homeostasis".PMID 19965435
  68. Kyuhyung Kim et al. (2009). "Two chemoreceptors mediate developmental effects of dauer pheromone in C. elegans".PMID 19797623
  69. Barry Fine et al. (2009). "Activation of the PI3K pathway in cancer through inhibition of PTEN by exchange factor P-REX2a".PMID 19729658
  70. A Carbonnelle-Puscian et al. (2009). "The novel immunosuppressive enzyme IL4I1 is expressed by neoplastic cells of several B-cell lymphomas and by tumor-associated macrophages".PMID 19436310
  71. Aleksandra Piwko-Czuchra et al. (2009). "Beta1 integrin-mediated adhesion signalling is essential for epidermal progenitor cell expansion".PMID 19424505
  72. Jan W P Kuiper et al. (2009). "Local ATP generation by brain-type creatine kinase (CK-B) facilitates cell motility".PMID 19333390
  73. Rene Rodriguez et al. (2009). "Loss of p53 induces tumorigenesis in p21-deficient mesenchymal stem cells".PMID 19308294
  74. Elena Aikawa et al. (2009). "Arterial and aortic valve calcification abolished by elastolytic cathepsin S deficiency in chronic renal disease".PMID 19307473
  75. Yen Hui Chiu et al. (2009). "Attenuated muscle regeneration is a key factor in dysferlin-deficient muscular dystrophy".PMID 19286669
  76. Sarah B Berman et al. (2009). "Bcl-x L increases mitochondrial fission, fusion, and biomass in neurons".PMID 19255249
  77. Thomas Walther et al. (2009). "Improved learning and memory in aged mice deficient in amyloid beta-degrading neutral endopeptidase".PMID 19240795
  78. Yuko Katsuno et al. (2009). "Cyclin A-Cdk1 regulates the origin firing program in mammalian cells".PMID 19221029
  79. Angelika Goncalves Dasilva et al. (2009). "Matrix metalloproteinase-12 deficiency worsens relapsing-remitting experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis in association with cytokine and chemokine dysregulation".PMID 19218336
  80. David Nguyen et al. (2009). "Enhanced pre-synaptic glutamate release in deep-dorsal horn contributes to calcium channel alpha-2-delta-1 protein-mediated spinal sensitization and behavioral hypersensitivity".PMID 19216737
  81. Masaki Sone et al. (2009). "Loss of yata, a novel gene regulating the subcellular localization of APPL, induces deterioration of neural tissues and lifespan shortening".PMID 19209226
  82. Dominik Schenten et al. (2009). "Pol zeta ablation in B cells impairs the germinal center reaction, class switch recombination, DNA break repair, and genome stability".PMID 19204108
  83. Cristina A de Frutos et al. (2009). "Snail1 controls bone mass by regulating Runx2 and VDR expression during osteoblast differentiation".PMID 19197242
  84. Erin R P Shull et al. (2009). "Differential DNA damage signaling accounts for distinct neural apoptotic responses in ATLD and NBS".PMID 19171781
  85. Matthias Becker et al. (2009). "Polycomb group protein Bmi1 is required for growth of RAF driven non-small-cell lung cancer".PMID 19156217
  86. Chen Zhang et al. (2009). "The low-density lipoprotein receptor-related protein 1 mediates tissue-type plasminogen activator-induced microglial activation in the ischemic brain".PMID 19147818
  87. Wassim Chatoo et al. (2009). "The polycomb group gene Bmi1 regulates antioxidant defenses in neurons by repressing p53 pro-oxidant activity".PMID 19144853
  88. Xin Wang et al. (2009). "Mitochondrial degeneration and not apoptosis is the primary cause of embryonic lethality in ceramide transfer protein mutant mice".PMID 19139267
  89. Melanie G Cornejo et al. (2009). "Constitutive JAK3 activation induces lymphoproliferative syndromes in murine bone marrow transplantation models".PMID 19139084
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